Nursing Home Survey on Patient Safety Culture

In response to nursing homes interested in a survey that focuses on patient safety culture in their facilities, AHRQ sponsored the development of the Nursing Home Survey on Patient Safety Culture. This new survey is designed specifically for nursing home providers and staff and asks for their opinions about the culture of patient safety in their nursing home. It is not designed for use in assisted living facilities, community care facilities, or independent living facilities.

Nursing Home Survey Toolkit

Frequently Asked Questions

Survey Form

Survey Items and Dimensions

Survey User's Guide

The User's Guide provides a general overview of the issues and major decisions involved in conducting a survey and reporting the results. The User's Guide includes information on getting started, selecting a sample, determining data collection methods, establishing data collection procedures, conducting a Web-based survey, and preparing and analyzing data, and producing reports.

  • Nursing Home Survey on Patient Safety: User's Guide [ PDF file PDF version - 984 KB ].

Comparative Database

Many nursing homes using the AHRQ Nursing Home Survey on Patient Safety Culture have expressed interest in comparing their results to other nursing homes. In response, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality has established the Nursing Home Survey on Patient Safety Culture Comparative Database. This database is a central repository for survey data from nursing homes that have administered the AHRQ patient safety culture survey instrument.

Additional Resources

Action Planning Tool (PDF File, 368.7 KB; Word File, 111.77 KB)

This tool was designed primarily for users of the AHRQ Surveys on Patient Safety Culture and is intended for use after your organization administers the survey and analyzes the results. It provides step-by-step guidance to help survey users develop an action plan to improve patient safety culture.

Research Reference List

The purpose of this research reference list is to provide citations for articles published on the AHRQ safety culture surveys. It includes references on the use of the surveys; psychometric analyses; analyses linking the survey to outcome data; reviews of instruments; and international studies.

Page last reviewed November 2016
Page originally created March 2012
Internet Citation: Nursing Home Survey on Patient Safety Culture. Content last reviewed November 2016. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.