Grants Process

Step 1: Registration

Step 2: Application
Use to find open SC Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOAs). The FOAs contain the required application forms and instructions. Complete the forms and submit all required information through Only applications submitted through will be accepted by SC.

Step 3: Receipt
Applications are received by SC and undergo an initial review for completeness and responsiveness.

Step 4: Referral
Applications are assigned to SC Program Managers who conduct the merit reviews.

Step 5: Review
Technical experts (Federal and non-Federal) review the applications and provide their assessments to the SC Program Manager.

Step 6: Preaward
The SC Program Manager recommends funding an application. The recommendation is concurred by a series of senior officials, and the entire package is reviewed by Grants and Contracts Support. After final concurrence, the Integrated Service Center reviews the file, negotiates with the applicant, and prepares the award documents.

Step 7: Award
The Integrated Service Center releases the binding award documents. The Notice of Financial Assistance Award contains an assistance agreement, terms and conditions of award, and other items incorporated by reference.

Step 8: Performance
The applicant, which is now an awardee, performs the project for which support was received, by complying with all terms and conditions of award. Changes that require prior approval may be made only after official SC approval of the official request by the awardee.

Step 9: Reporting
Performance and financial reports are required as indicated in the terms and conditions in the award.

Step 10: Closeout
When the project ends, the awardee prepares and submits its final reports as indicated in the terms and conditions in the award.

Step 11: Public Access
DOE supported research projects provides their results of research through scholarly publications and announcing their scientific and technical information to the Office of Scientific and Technical Information.

Last modified: 3/5/2016 8:18:29 PM