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Honorable Colette Honorable - Commissioner, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

Honorable Colette Honorable

Commissioner Colette D. Honorable was nominated to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) by President Barack Obama in August 2014, and unanimously confirmed by the U.S. Senate in December 2014 for a term that expires in June 2017. An attorney, Commissioner Honorable came to FERC from the Arkansas Public Service Commission, where she served since October 2007, and led as Chairman from January 2011-January 2015.

As Chairman of the PSC, Honorable oversaw an agency with jurisdiction over 450 utilities and approximate annual revenues of $5 billion. She was charged with ensuring safe, reliable and affordable retail electric service. During her tenure, Arkansas led the South and Southeast in comprehensive energy efficiency programs, and electric rates were consistently among the lowest in the nation.

Honorable is past president of the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners, where she focused on pipeline safety, reliability, resilience, fuel diversity, and workforce development during her one-year term. She has testified before Congress on multiple occasions on a range of energy issues.

Honorable is an Ambassador for the Clean Energy Education and Empowerment Initiative, an effort co-led by the U.S.