      United States
      Environmental Protection
                              FY 2011-2015 EPA Strategic Plan
Cross-Cutting Fundamental Strategy: Working for Environmental Justice and Children's Health

Work to reduce and prevent  harmful exposures and health  risks  to children and underserved,
disproportionately impacted low-income, minority, and tribal communities,  and support community
efforts to build healthy, sustainable green neighborhoods.

Advancing environmental justice and protecting children's health must be driving forces in our decisions
across all EPA programs.  The underlying principles for this commitment are reducing exposures for
those at greatest risk and ensuring that environmental justice and  children's health protection are
integral to all Agency activities.  Minority, low-income, and tribal/indigenous populations that are
vulnerable to environmental pollution are at risk of having poor health outcomes. These vulnerabilities
may arise because of higher exposures to pollution in places where they work, live, and play, and/or
diminished abilities to withstand, cope with, or recover from exposure to environmental pollution.1
Children are often most sensitive to environmental stressors.  Research has demonstrated that prenatal
and early life exposures to environmental hazards can cause lifelong diseases, medical conditions, and

Environmental justice and children's health protection will be achieved when all Americans, regardless
of age, race, economic status, or ethnicity, have access to clean water, clean air, and healthy
communities.  To accomplish this, EPA will use a variety  of approaches, including regulation,
enforcement, research, outreach, community-based programs, and partnerships to protect children and
disproportionately impacted, overburdened populations from environmental and human health  hazards.
Our success in advancing environmental justice and children's health protection will result from fully
incorporating these priorities into all of  our activities across each of the strategic goals of the Agency.
We anticipate that our leadership in advancing environmental justice and children's health protection
will inspire and engage a broad  spectrum of partners in the public  and private sector to do the same.

To achieve this goal, EPA will:

1. In our regulatory  capacity, implement the nation's environmental laws using the best science and
   environmental monitoring data to address the potential for adverse health effects from
   environmental factors in disproportionately  impacted,  overburdened  populations and vulnerable age
   groups. EPA programs will incorporate environmental justice and children's health considerations
   at each stage of the Agency's regulation development process and in implementation and
   enforcement of environmental regulations.

2. Develop and use environmental and public health indicators to measure improvements in
   environmental conditions and health in disproportionately impacted communities and among
   vulnerable age groups.

3. In our work on safe management of pesticides and industrial chemicals, take into account
   disproportionately impacted, overburdened populations and vulnerable age groups and encourage
   the use of "green chemistry" to spur the development of safer chemicals and production processes.

4. Apply best appropriate scientific methods to assess the potential for disproportionate exposures
   and health impacts resulting from environmental hazards on minority, low income and tribal
   populations, women of child-bearing age, infants, children, and adolescents to support EPA
   decision-making, and develop the tools to assess the risk from multiple stressors.
FY 2013 Action Plan: Working for Environmental Justice  and Children's  Health               1

 5.  Fully engage communities in our work to protect human health and the environment.  EPA will align
    multiple community-based programs to provide funding and technical assistance to communities to
    build capacity to address critical issues affecting children's health and disproportionately impacted,
    overburdened populations.

 6.  Work with other federal agencies to engage communities and coordinate funding and technical
    support for efforts to build healthy, sustainable, and green neighborhoods, and work with residents
    to promote equitable development.

	FY 2013 Action Plan: Working for Environmental Justice and Children's Health	

 This Action Plan lists the specific actions that the EPA will carry out in FY 2013 to achieve the principles
 of the Strategy for Working for Environmental Justice and Children's Health described in the FY 2011-
 2015 EPA Strategic Plan. Annual action plans will be developed for each year of the Plan.

 Interaction with States and Tribes

 1.  Take additional steps to communicate and work with the states in critical activities to enhance
    consideration of environmental justice and children's health. In addition to their roles as regulators
    states are also critical partners in non-regulatory activities that promote EJ and CH
    (Supports Principle 1).

    •  In FY 2013, Regions will enhance communications about EJ and CH and will work together with
       their states through Continuing Environmental Programs (CEP) grant work plans or National
       Environmental Performance Partnership System (NEPPS) agreements to identify shared
       opportunities that can yield significant benefits for Environmental Justice and/or Children's
       Health, e.g., lead poisoning, asthma, air and water pollution from concentrated animal feeding
       operations (CAFOs), and multiple or cumulative exposures to air pollution.  These
       communications will emphasize (1) improving environmental conditions and public health in
       minority, low-income, tribal, and other vulnerable communities, and/or (2) advancing children's
       health. By September 30, 2013, each Region will submit to the Office of Environmental Justice
       (OEJ) and Office of Children's Health Protection (OCHP) a brief narrative summary describing
       its EJ and CH communication efforts in working with states through CEP grant work plans or
       NEPPS agreements.

 Regulatory, Enforcement and Training Actions

 2.  Build on previous efforts to implement Action Development  Process (ADP) Guidance for
    considering EJ and CH when developing regulations related to the protection of human health
    (Supports Principles 1 and 4). To supplement ADP training opportunities:

    •  Develop a webinar-based training available to all EPA staff, but targeting regulation developers,
       to enhance understanding of children's environmental health and its application within EPA's
       regulatory process by September 2013.

    •  Establish an intranet EJ in Rulemaking web page and training materials to increase awareness
       of guidance and other support materials that will promote early consideration of EJ in the action
       development process by January 2013.

 3.  Work with EPA enforcement staff and manage interagency  National Environmental Policy Act
    (NEPA) workgroup to develop tools to support the consideration of children's health and
    environmental justice by all federal agencies (Supports Principles 1, 4, 5, and 6).
 FY 2013 Action Plan: Working for Environmental Justice and Children's Health

   •   The Office of Children's Health Protection (OCHP) will partner with the Office of Federal
       Activities (OFA) to integrate children's health considerations into EPA's NEPA and Section 309
       reviews of federal environmental impact statements (EISs) and other NEPA documents. In FY
       2013, each Region will participate in and propose children's health considerations for at least
       one NEPA review.

   •   Produce and distribute training materials, including best practices, for federal government and
       external stakeholders that advance consideration of environmental justice in the NEPA review
       process government-wide.

Environmental Justice

4.  EPA will apply recommendations identified in FY 2012 for improving and advancing EPA's work
   with communities, especially those that have underserved and overburdened populations, in one
   pilot community or area in each Region and optimize available training resources for Agency staff in
   how best to work in and with communities (Supports Principles 5 and 6).

   •   Convene two meetings of senior Agency officials to review and discuss the progress of the
       Regional community pilot projects and the lessons learned from their implementation.  Target
       meeting dates of February 1, 2013 and August 1, 2013.

   •   By September 30, 2013, compile:  (1) a brief summary of the ten Regional pilots; (2) the
       recommendations identified in FY 2012 that each pilot was designed to test; (3) the lessons
       learned implementing the Regional community pilots; and, (4) a limited set of recommendations
       for integrating promising practices from the pilots into appropriate Agency programs as results
       from the pilots become available and recommendations are  reviewed and approved by senior
       Agency officials.

   •   Compile promising practices identified by the Regions in FY 2012 into a resource for Agency
       community practitioners by April 2013.

   •   Review existing staff training opportunities for working with communities and develop a training
       plan to fill any gaps as warranted by September 30, 2013.

5.  NPMs will promote the use of "EJ Legal Tools and Activities to Promote Environmental Justice in
   the Permit Application Process" and collect examples and best practices of their use and impact
   (Supports Principle 1).

   •   By September 30, 2013, NPMs will collectively identify 50 examples of the use of EJ legal tools
       to more fully ensure that its programs, policies, and activities fully protect human health and the
       environment in minority and low-income communities.

   •   By September 30, 2013, NPMs will collectively identify 20 best practices illustrating the use of
       the EPA activities to promote EJ in the permit application process.

Children's Health

6.  Assess the results of the OCHP  and Regional Schools Coordinators' focused outreach and
   technical assistance to identify opportunities  to increase adoption of EPA's  guidelines and
   programmatic school environmental health tools (Supports Principle 5).

   •   By September 2013, schools staff will participate in at least 20 outreach forums (webinars,
       conferences, technical assistance sessions, trainings, etc.) and  evaluate effectiveness of
       activities to direct the  FY 2014 outreach plan.

FY 2013 Action Plan: Working for Environmental Justice and Children's Health                3

7.   OCHP will monitor the implementation of Agency-wide Children's Environmental Health training at
    headquarters and Regional offices by tracking completion and offering group and web-based
    sessions.  Work to reach 10% completion rate by September 2013.  Training will be revised as
    appropriate and made available to federal, state, tribal, and local partners as well as non-
    governmental stakeholders by September 2013 (Supports Principles 5 and 6).
1 WHO (2006). Principles for Evaluating Health Risks in Children. Environmental Health Criteria 237
EPA (2003). Framework for Cumulative Risk Assessment. Risk Assessment Forum, US Environmental Protection
Agency. EPA/630/P-02/001F.
NEJAC (2004). Ensuring Risk Reduction in Communities with Multiple Stressors: Environmental Justice and
Cumulative Risks/Impacts. National Environmental Justice Advisory Council.

2 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2008). Linking Early Environmental Exposures to Adult
Diseases. National Institute of Health. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. Research Triangle
Park, NC.
FY 2013 Action Plan: Working for Environmental Justice and Children's Health
