Endangered Species
Midwest Region



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Region 3 Candidate Species

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These plants and animals have been sufficiently studied, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has decided that they should be proposed for threatened or endangered status. The listing priority number indicates the general order in which they will be proposed. Within each Region, the pace at which new listing proposals are completed depends upon the funding appropriated by Congress to the listing and classification portions of the FWS budget. (Bold type indicates states that are within Region 3.)


Information about the Service's Candidate Conservation Program (on National USFWS Endangered Species Website)


Sprague's pipit (Anthus spragueii)

Removed from candidate list (2016)


Arkansas darter (Etheostoma cragini)

Historical Range: AR, CO, KS, MO, OK
Lead Region: Region 6
Region 3 Lead Office: Columbia Missouri Field Office
Listing Priority: 11
Listed as Candidate: 1991


Arkansas Darter Candidate Form (PDF)



Rattlesnake-master Borer Moth (Papaipema eryngii)

Historical Range: AR, IL, KY, NC, OK

Current Range: AR, IL, KY, NC, OK
Lead Region: Region 3
Region 3 Lead Office: Rock Island Field Office
Listing Priority Number: 8
Listed as Candidate: 2013


Federal Register Notice of 12-Month Finding: Listing Warranted but Precluded (19-Page PDF Adobe PDF Icon)



USFWS Midwest Endangered Species Home


Last updated: July 19, 2016