Resources for Report Developers

Tips on Writing a Quality Report

Learn what you can do to make the content of your report clear and appropriate for your audience with these tips on writing a quality report.

Tips on Designing a Quality Report

Learn how to use design to draw people in and help them understand and interpret the information you are providing with these tips on designing a quality report.


Search for current literature on topics related to quality reporting in this bibliography.


Hear directly from report sponsors and leading researchers in the field of quality reporting in these podcasts. You can also review a recording and other materials from the Webinar Who Are You Talking To? New Insights Into the Audience for Consumer Reports on Health Care Quality.

The Purpose and Process of Cognitive Testing

Learn how you can use cognitive testing to elicit audience feedback that will make your report easier to understand and more likely to be used.

Related Reports and Web Sites

Check out helpful resources created by organizations involved in health care quality and reporting with these related reports and Web sites.

Key Quality Initiatives

Review this list of key quality initiatives by the many organizations involved in efforts to measure, report, and improve the quality of health care.

Page last reviewed June 2016
Page originally created October 2013
Internet Citation: Resources for Report Developers. Content last reviewed June 2016. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.