Request for Assistance on Health Initiatives

Summaries of staff responses to recent requests for assistance on health initiatives, and to help ensure transparency and efficiency in responding to such informational needs and requests for substantive assistance by public policymakers.

As part of AHRQ's mission to improve the quality, safety, efficiency, and effectiveness of health care for all Americans, research and data development efforts are supported to help inform health care policy and practice. The Agency administers surveys and develops large primary data sets to support health care policy and behavioral research and analyses. These activities fall along a continuum ranging from data development, evaluation, and dissemination, to basic research, and on to applied research to inform health care decisions and support policy analysis.

This new section of the AHRQ Web site has been developed to post summaries of staff responses to recent requests for assistance on health initiatives, and to help ensure transparency and efficiency in responding to such informational needs and requests for substantive assistance by public policymakers.

Informing Health Initiatives: Summary of Requests and Assistance Provided

Page last reviewed October 2014
Page originally created March 2012
Internet Citation: Request for Assistance on Health Initiatives. Content last reviewed October 2014. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.