North Florida Ecological Services Office
Southeast Region

Florida Scrub-Jays

Photo of a pair of Florida scrub-jays

2007 Five-Year Status Reviews

Habitat Conservation Plan and Incidental Take Permit

Florida Scrub-jay Umbrella Habitat Conservation Plan

Complete FSJ Umbrella HCP/EA - PDF - 2.6MB Updated Icon 09/2014 [Table D1 updated]

Palm Bay, FL Issues

An Incidental Take Permit (ITP) was released to the City of Palm Bay, FL on April 19, 2007. If your property was within the city boundaries on or before November 6, 2003 you no longer need to contact the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Simply apply for a building permit through the City's normal permit process. This includes Port Malabar lot owners. Click here for Palm Bay Building Department contact information. (Current information as of April 20, 2007)

Regulations governing ITP and HCPs

Looking for Florida Scrub-jay information in your county/city? Try these resources.

Reference Materials

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Last updated: July 21, 2016