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National Resources Inventory

The NRI is a scientifically based, longitudinal panel survey of the Nation’s soil, water and related resources. It supports USDA conservation programs by assessing conditions and trends on non-federal land, including privately owned land and land owned by tribes, trusts, and state and local governments.

The USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service, in cooperation with the Iowa State University Center for Survey Statistics and Methodology, conducted NRI surveys every five years from 1982 to 1997, and annually since 2000. The 2010 NRI is the most recent for which results are publicly available. It contains both national-level and state-level estimates for the 28-year period 1982-2010. Each new NRI trending database contains new estimates for each prior release. Thus, only the 2010 database should be used to compare 2010 conditions with those of earlier years.

Missouri 2010 National Resources Inventory Highlights

NRCS National Web Site – National Resources Inventory