Teacher Ranger Teacher

teacher ranger teacher
Ruth Goodlaxson-CHBA Teacher-Ranger-Teacher for 2011 and 2012 works with her students during National Park Week.

This summer the Chesapeake Bay Office will be recruiting three Teacher-Ranger-Teachers to work on a variety of programs in Maryland and in Virginia. This professional development opportunity allows teachers to step out of the classroom and assist NPS education staff with the development of educational resources along the National Historic Trails. The Chesapeake Bay Office is a program office located in Annapolis, Maryland. We work with a wide variety of partners in the watershed region. In the summer of 2013 TRT will be working on the development of the Youth Trail Stewards Program in Maryland and the assessment and creation of new materials for the Captain John Smith NHT in Virginia.

For a complete description or with questions please contact Abbi Wicklein-Bayne.

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