Children's Health Fact Sheets

AHRQ's fact sheets about children's health

Child Health Care Quality Toolbox

This fact sheet describes the Child Health Care Quality Toolbox, an online resource to help measure the quality of child health care programs.

Children and Asthma Resources

Resources for schools and parents from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality to help children with asthma.

Children's Health Insurance Program

This page links to documents that describe AHRQ activities related to the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), and other useful Web resources on SCHIP.

Improving Health Care Quality for Children and Adolescents

This publication summarizes findings from selected AHRQ-supported research on children's health care quality published 2009 through mid-2013.

Research on Child and Adolescent Health: Articles and Publications

Articles and publications about significant findings resulting from AHRQ-supported intramural and extramural research focusing on improving the quality, safety, efficiency, and effectiveness of health care for children and adolescents.

Research on Child and Adolescent Health: New Starts

These fact sheets summarizes new grants and contracts focused on child and adolescent health and health care—including research, conference, and training projects, as well as other initiatives—funded by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ).

Resource Guide to AHRQ Child and Youth Health and Health Care Services Data

This report provides summary information and guidance on accessing and using the child health data sets and measurement tools available through AHRQ.

Vitamin D Supplementation To Prevent Rickets in Breast-Fed Babies

To prevent rickets, dark-skinned infants and children who are fed only breast milk should receive 400 IU of vitamin D supplementation daily, beginning by at least 2 months of age

Internet Citation: Children's Health Fact Sheets. Content last reviewed January 2016. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.