Trademark Documents for Prosecutors (Official Government Use Only)

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) will provide certified copies of trademark registration certificates (and other documents) free of charge to prosecutors and investigators for use in criminal counterfeit court proceedings.

To search for registered marks in the USPTO database, please visit the Trademark Electronic Search System.

To view and download trademark application and registration files, please visit the Trademark Document Retrieval System.

To order certified copies, please click here and provide the following information:

Please allow at least 3 weeks for processing of your request.



Government agency:

Government mailing address:

Telephone number:

Email address:

United Parcel Service (UPS) Account Number, if expedited shipping is requested [NOTE: The USPTO may only use UPS. Please do not enter information for any other services, such as FederalExpress or DHL]:

Trademark Registration Number(s) or Serial Number(s): Fill out and attach this spreadsheet.

Type of Certified Copy (see below for more information):

When ordering, please specify the type of document required:

"Certified Trademark Registration with Title and Status" (Generally, this is the document used to prove registration of a mark) - A trademark title and status is a certified copy of the registered mark, showing an indication of the current status of the mark and current ownership according to USPTO records. A copy of the registration is included with the title and status.

"Trademark Application as Filed" - The trademark application includes a drawing of the mark, the identification of goods and services, and specimens of the mark, as required.

"Trademark File Wrapper" - A trademark file wrapper contains the prosecution history of the application, from its filing to the registration of the mark and filing of post-registration papers. The file wrapper contains the application papers, all Office Actions, as well as correspondence from the applicant and/or attorney of record.

To check on the status of your order, please call 1-800-972-6382 or 571-272-3150.

If you have any questions about trademark documents, please contact the Trademark Petitions Office at 571-272-8950, and ask to speak to the staff attorney on duty.