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What's New with VISs

This page offers the latest information about vaccine information statements currently under development or newly released.

December 2, 2016

Updated VIS for Gardasil-9 is Available Now.

An updated VIS for Gardasil-9 has been released, containing information about the recently-approved 2-dose schedule. Otherwise, it is the same as the existing Gardasil-9 VIS. While this updated VIS should ideally begin to be used now, existing stocks of the current VIS may continue to be used, particularly for patients using the 3-dose schedule.

Note that the VIS no longer specifies “Gardasil-9.” This is because Gardasil-9 will soon be the only HPV vaccine available in the U.S., as Cervarix and Gardasil (quadrivalent HPV vaccine) will no longer be sold in the United States. The appropriate VISs should continue to be used for those two vaccines as long as unexpired doses remain available.


August 9, 2016

Updated Serogroup B Meningococcal (MenB) Vaccine VIS is Available Now

An updated edition of the MenB vaccine VIS has been posted. This VIS is now final, as opposed to interim, edition. While we encourage providers to begin using this VIS immediately, stocks of the previous edition may still be used until exhausted.


August 3, 2016

Flu VISs

Flu VISs are no longer updated every year. The edition dated 8/7/2015 should be used for the current flu season.


July 20, 2016

Updated Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, and Polio Vaccine VISs are Available Now

Updated editions of the hepatitis A, hepatitis B, and polio vaccine VISs have been posted. These VISs are now final, as opposed to interim, editions. While we encourage providers to begin using these VISs immediately, stocks of the previous editions may still be used until exhausted.


March 31, 2016

Updated Meningococcal and HPV9 VISs are Available Now

Updated editions of the Meningococcal (quadrivalent, ACWY) and HPV-9 VISs have been posted. Neither differs significantly from the existing VIS, but both are now final, as opposed to interim, editions. We encourage providers to begin using these VISs immediately, but stocks of the previous editions may still be used until exhausted.


November 10, 2015

Updated Multi Pediatric Vaccines and Pneumococcal Conjugate (PCV13) Vaccine VISs are Available Now

An updated Multi Pediatric Vaccines VIS, and an updated Pneumococcal Conjugate (PCV13) Vaccine VIS, have been posted. Both of these VISs are now final (as opposed to interim) VISs. While we encourage providers to begin using these VISs immediately, stocks of the previous editions may be used until exhausted.


August 14, 2015

Meningococcal Serogroup B VIS is Available

A Vaccine Information Statement for meningococcal serogroup B vaccines (both Bexsero and Trumenba) has been posted on August 14, 2015, and may be used starting immediately.

NOTE: This VIS reflects recommendations that have been voted on by ACIP but have not yet been published, regarding use of the vaccine in healthy adolescents and young adults. These recommendations will not take effect until they are published in the MMWR, expected to occur in September. At the present time, ACIP recommendations apply only to people 10 years of age and older at increased risk for serogroup B infections.


August 7, 2015

Updated Influenza VISs Are Available Now

Vaccine Information Statements for both inactivated and live influenza vaccines are available as of 8/7/2015, and may be used immediately. Important Note: You won’t see the flu season dates (i.e., 2015-16) at the top of these VISs. These VISs may be used for this and future years, until there is a significant change in flu recommendations that will require changing them.

April 27, 2015

Updated Pneumococcal Polysaccharide (PPSV23) Vaccine VIS is Available Now

An updated VIS for Pneumococcal Polysaccharide VIS vaccine has been posted. While simpler, this version does not differ significantly from the previous version, which may be used until stocks are depleted.

April 16, 2015

Updated Rotavirus Vaccine VIS is Available Now

A new rotavirus Vaccine Information Statement has been published on April 15, 2015. It does not differ significantly from the edition it replaces, but it is a "final" (as opposed to "interim") edition. Ideally the new version should begin to be used now, but existing copies of the 8/26/13 edition may continue to be used until stocks are depleted.

April 15, 2015

New HPV Gardasil®-9 Vaccine VIS is Available Now

A VIS for Gardasil 9 has just been released, and may be used immediately. The VIS for standard Gardasil should not be used for Gardasil 9

April 1, 2015

New Hib VIS is Available Now

A "final" edition of the Hib Vaccine Information Statement has been posted and is now available. It is not significantly different from the current “interim” edition dated 2/4/14. Existing stocks of that edition may be used up – but once they are depleted, switch to the new edition.

March 27, 2015

New Td and Tdap VISs Available

Both the Td and Tdap Vaccine Information Statements have been updated, and are now available. They have been updated to make them “final,” as opposed to “interim” editions. They are not significantly different than the previous editions, which may be used while existing stocks last.

March 19, 2015

Gardasil 9

The VIS for Gardasil 9 is being prepared and should be available in early April.

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