Released: September, 2008
Table E1A. Major Fuel Consumption (Btu) by End Use for All Buildings, 2003
  Total Major Fuel Consumption (trillion Btu)
Total Space Heat-
Water Heat-
Office Equip-
All Buildings ......................... 6,523 2,365 516 436 501 1,340 190 381 69 156 569
Building Floorspace
(Square Feet)
1,001 to 5,000 ......................... 685 213 46 18 49 96 49 138 8 12 56
5,001 to 10,000 ....................... 563 212 39 18 43 95 37 57 6 10 46
10,001 to 25,000 ..................... 899 357 57 52 51 184 29 57 10 20 83
25,001 to 50,000 ..................... 742 281 63 55 60 140 16 37 7 17 66
50,001 to 100,000 ................... 913 325 79 78 67 202 17 35 7 20 83
100,001 to 200,000 ................. 1,064 399 84 91 81 234 11 30 Q 33 89
200,001 to 500,000 ................. 751 286 58 56 69 170 14 10 8 20 61
Over 500,000 .......................... 906 292 91 67 81 220 18 19 Q 25 85
Principal Building Activity
Education ................................ 820 389 79 83 57 113 8 16 4 32 39
Food Sales .............................. 251 36 12 7 4 46 11 119 2 2 11
Food Service .......................... 427 71 29 24 67 42 105 70 2 2 16
Health Care ............................. 594 223 44 42 95 105 11 8 4 10 51
  Inpatient ................................ 475 175 35 38 92 76 11 4 2 7 34
  Outpatient ............................. 119 48 9 4 3 28 Q 4 2 3 17
Lodging ................................... 510 113 25 14 160 124 16 12 Q 6 36
Mercantile ............................... 1,021 269 110 68 57 308 26 49 8 11 115
  Retail (Other Than Mall) ........ 319 107 25 16 5 111 3 22 3 4 24
  Enclosed and Strip Malls ....... 702 162 85 51 53 197 24 27 5 8 91
Office ...................................... 1,134 400 109 63 24 281 4 35 32 74 110
Public Assembly ..................... 370 196 38 63 4 27 3 9 Q Q 26
Public Order and Safety ......... 126 54 10 10 15 18 1 3 1 2 12
Religious Worship ................... 163 98 11 5 3 17 3 6 (*) 1 19
Service ................................... 312 145 16 24 4 63 Q 9 1 3 46
Warehouse and Storage ........ 456 194 14 20 6 132 Q 36 2 5 48
Other ....................................... 286 138 18 11 4 59 Q 10 Q 5 33
Vacant .................................... 54 37 2 1 (*) 4 Q Q Q (*) 8
Year Constructed
Before 1920 ............................ 303 181 7 11 17 35 17 Q 2 4 15
1920 to 1945 ........................... 631 318 26 30 43 92 20 26 3 8 64
1946 to 1959 ........................... 588 284 32 36 46 94 13 27 4 11 41
1960 to 1969 ........................... 791 353 48 53 68 127 15 42 7 19 60
1970 to 1979 ........................... 1,191 397 97 86 101 265 32 64 14 29 106
1980 to 1989 ........................... 1,247 359 122 82 103 298 33 74 17 39 120
1990 to 1999 ........................... 1,262 352 129 101 84 294 40 91 18 36 117
2000 to 2003 ........................... 511 122 55 37 39 136 20 41 4 10 47
Census Region and Division
Northeast ................................ 1,396 674 55 76 93 239 38 63 13 32 113
  New England ........................ 345 186 10 15 20 55 Q 21 2 7 21
  Middle Atlantic ....................... 1,052 488 45 60 74 184 31 42 11 25 92
Midwest .................................. 1,799 874 67 109 107 313 38 92 16 36 146
  East North Central ................. 1,343 676 46 83 77 230 28 62 12 27 102
  West North Central ............... 456 198 21 26 30 83 10 30 4 9 45
South ...................................... 2,265 519 308 179 191 543 82 167 20 58 198
  South Atlantic ....................... 1,241 278 162 99 100 311 40 95 12 37 106
  East South Central ................ 340 113 27 25 32 72 10 25 2 6 28
  West South Central ............... 684 128 119 54 59 160 31 47 6 15 64
West ....................................... 1,063 298 86 72 109 245 33 59 20 30 112
  Mountain ............................... 446 167 31 27 41 94 7 20 Q 9 43
  Pacific ................................... 617 131 55 45 68 151 25 39 Q 21 69
Climate Zone: 30-Year Average
Under 2,000 CDD and --
  More than 7,000 HDD ............ 1,086 555 27 66 67 180 22 62 9 18 80
  5,500-7,000 HDD .................. 1,929 913 75 109 127 352 46 94 17 41 154
  4,000-5,499 HDD .................. 1,243 463 78 77 95 259 37 65 19 32 118
  Fewer than 4,000 HDD ......... 1,386 328 143 108 134 330 53 101 15 35 139
2,000 CDD or More and --
  Fewer than 4,000 HDD ......... 879 106 193 76 78 219 32 59 8 29 79
Number of Establishments
One ......................................... 4,167 1,562 289 272 362 790 139 290 42 87 334
2 to 5 ....................................... 1,161 460 84 74 75 245 27 55 13 26 101
6 to 10 ..................................... 378 135 32 25 19 89 8 11 4 18 37
11 to 20 ................................... 307 82 37 25 17 82 7 11 3 8 34
More than 20 ........................... 473 98 74 39 27 131 9 13 7 17 57
Currently Unoccupied ............. 37 28 Q (*) Q 3 Q Q Q Q 5
Energy Sources 
(more than one may apply)
Electricity ................................ 6,522 2,364 516 436 501 1,340 190 381 69 156 569
Natural Gas ............................. 5,042 1,878 356 333 436 987 183 259 47 114 448
Fuel Oil .................................... 1,867 683 142 129 204 389 36 47 25 52 160
District Heat ............................ 1,029 609 34 70 60 150 Q 12 5 29 50
Energy End Uses 
(more than one may apply)
Buildings with Space Heating . 6,370 2,365 488 425 490 1,297 183 361 68 153 540
Buildings with Cooling ............. 6,149 2,140 516 420 479 1,285 186 367 68 154 533
Buildings with Water Heating .. 6,158 2,179 493 417 501 1,262 190 362 67 152 535
See "Guide to the Tables" or "Glossary" for further explanations of the terms used in this table. Both can be accessed from the CBECS web site -
(*)=Value rounds to zero in the units displayed.
Q=Data withheld because fewer than 20 buildings were sampled for any cell, or because the Relative Standard Error (RSE) was greater than 50 percent for a cell in the "Total" column.
Note: Due to rounding, data may not sum to totals.
Source: Energy Information Administration, Office of Energy Markets and End Use, Form EIA-871A, C, and E of the 2003 Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey.