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Resource Management

Pollinator Habitat sign and woodpecker / USFWSProviding habitat for native and migratory species is our mission. The Lower Suwanee NWR evolved from a mono-culture of commercially planted pines grown for paper and cardboard products to a diverse community of native longleaf pines, hardwoods, wildflower. and marsh.   

To help plants and wildlife, Refuge staff use a variety of habitat management techniques to maintain, recover or enhance plant and wildlife values. Refuge staff carefully considers many management techniques and employ them in varying degrees according to the situation.  Water flow within the Lower Suwannee is carefully monitored to allow flow through the swamps, down creeks and into the Gulf of Mexico. 

Sometimes, sensitive areas are closed to the public so that the land and wildlife can rest and recover more quickly.   Prescribed burning, mowing after flowers have gone to seed, and planting native long-leaf pines are also some of the techniques used to facilitate the perfect habitat for native and migratory species.

Public involvement and input are important to us and to the planning process; we hope you will take an active interest in the process, individually and as a community. 

Last Updated: Nov 03, 2014
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