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Vaccine Information Statement (VIS) Lookup Table

CDC has added two-dimensional (2D) "data matrix" barcodes to Vaccine Information Statements (VIS). This technology is designed primarily to help immunization providers record information about the VIS as is required by the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA). The 2D barcoded VIS allows providers to scan the name and edition date of a VIS into an electronic medical record (EMR), IIS, or other electronic database. Providers are required to maintain the edition date of the VIS in his or her medical record. The VIS barcode does not contain any data that is not currently on the VIS, and there is no requirement that immunizers supply VIS data to IIS.

There are two fields contained within the 2D barcode on the VIS. The first field is a code that identifies the VIS document type (MMR, seasonal influenza, anthrax, etc.). The second field is the edition date of the VIS. The VIS Lookup table contains codes for these fields that EMRs and IISs may need to add to their applications to accommodate this information and associates each code with its human readable equivalent. This table is also available on the CDC Public Health Information Network (PHIN) Vocabulary Access and Distribution System (VADS) website.

EMR and IIS vendors may need to add fields to the EMR to record the VIS document type and edition date. Currently, the VIS document type may not be recorded; the actual vaccine administered may be used by providers as a proxy. CDC suggests the addition of a field for VIS document type.

Note: The VIS Fully-Encoded Text String is used for electronic reporting purposes.  The VIS Lookup Table allows users to link the VIS Fully-Encoded Text String to the corresponding Global Document Type Identifier (GDTI).

VIS Lookup Table

Version Date: December 2, 2016

Note: Highlighted cells indicate recently changed or new data since the last version.

VIS Document Type Description / Concept Name Edition Date VIS Fully-Encoded Text String VIS GDTI document code / Concept code Edition Status Last Updated Date
Adenovirus VIS 7/14/2011 253088698300001111110714 0886983000011 Historic 6/11/2014
Adenovirus VIS 6/11/2014 253088698300001111140611 0886983000011 Current 6/11/2014
Anthrax VIS 3/10/2010 253088698300002811100310 0886983000028 Current 2/24/2012
Diphtheria / Tetanus / Pertussis (DTaP) VIS 5/17/2007 253088698300003511070517 0886983000035 Current 2/8/2013
Haemophilus Influenzae type b VIS 12/16/1998 253088698300006611981216 0886983000066 Historic 2/4/2014
Haemophilus Influenzae type b VIS 2/4/2014 253088698300006611140204 0886983000066 Historic 4/2/2015
Haemophilus Influenzae type b VIS 4/2/2015 253088698300006611150402 0886983000066 Current 4/2/2015
Hepatitis A VIS 10/25/2011 253088698300004211111025 0886983000042 Historic 7/20/2016
Hepatitis A Vaccine VIS 7/20/2016 253088698300004211160720 0886983000042 Current 7/20/2016
Hepatitis B VIS 2/2/2012 253088698300005911120202 0886983000059 Historic 7/20/2016
Hepatitis B Vaccine VIS 7/20/2016 253088698300005911160720 0886983000059 Current 7/20/2016
Human papillomavirus Vaccine (Cervarix) VIS 5/3/2011 253088698300007311110503 0886983000073 Current 2/24/2012
Human papillomavirus Vaccine (Gardasil) VIS 2/22/2012 253088698300008011120222 0886983000080 Historic 5/17/2013
Human papillomavirus Vaccine (Gardasil) VIS 5/17/2013 253088698300008011130517 0886983000080 Current 5/17/2013
Human papillomavirus Vaccine, 9-valent (Gardasil 9) VIS 4/15/2015 253088698300029511150415 0886983000295 Historic 3/31/2016
HPV Vaccine (Gardasil-9) VIS 3/31/2016 253088698300029511160331 0886983000295 Historic 12/2/2016
HPV Vaccine VIS 12/2/2016 253088698300029511161202 0886983000295 Current 12/2/2016
Influenza Vaccine - Inactivated VIS 7/2/2012 253088698300010311120702 0886983000103 Historic 7/25/2013
Influenza Vaccine - Inactivated VIS 7/26/2013 253088698300010311130726 0886983000103 Historic 8/20/2014
Influenza Vaccine - Inactivated VIS 8/19/2014 253088698300010311140819 0886983000103 Historic 8/10/2015
Influenza Vaccine - Inactivated VIS 8/7/2015 253088698300010311150807 0886983000103 Current 8/10/2015
Influenza Vaccine - Live, Intranasal VIS 7/2/2012 253088698300009711120702 0886983000097 Historic 7/25/2013
Influenza Vaccine - Live, Intranasal VIS 7/26/2013 253088698300009711130726 0886983000097 Historic 8/20/2014
Influenza Vaccine - Live, Intranasal VIS 8/19/2014 253088698300009711140819 0886983000097 Historic 8/10/2015
Influenza Vaccine - Live, Intranasal VIS 8/7/2015 253088698300009711150807 0886983000097 Current 8/10/2015
Japanese Encephalitis VIS 12/7/2011 253088698300011011111207 0886983000110 Historic 1/23/2014
Japanese Encephalitis VIS 1/24/2014 253088698300011011140124 0886983000110 Current 1/23/2014
Measles / Mumps / Rubella VIS 4/20/2012 253088698300012711120420 0886983000127 Current 4/12/2012
Measles / Mumps / Rubella / Varicella VIS 5/21/2010 253088698300013411100521 0886983000134 Current 2/24/2012
Meningococcal VIS 10/14/2011 253088698300014111111014 0886983000141 Historic 3/31/2016
Meningococcal ACWY Vaccines VIS 3/31/2016 253088698300014111160331 0886983000141 Current 3/31/2016
Meningococcal B VIS 8/14/2015 253088698300030111150814 0886983000301 Historic 8/9/2016
Serogroup B Meningococcal Vaccine VIS 8/9/2016 253088698300030111160809 0886983000301 Current 8/9/2016
Multiple Vaccines VIS 11/16/2012 253088698300026411121116 0886983000264 Historic 10/22/2014
Multiple Vaccines VIS 10/22/2014 253088698300026411141022 0886983000264 Historic 11/5/2015
Multi Pediatric Vaccines VIS 11/5/2015 253088698300026411151105 0886983000264 Current 11/5/2015
Pneumococcal Conjugate (PCV13) VIS 4/16/2010 253088698300015811100416 0886983000158 Historic 2/27/2013
Pneumococcal Conjugate (PCV13) VIS 2/27/2013 253088698300015811130227 0886983000158 Historic 11/5/2015
PCV13 Vaccine VIS 11/5/2015 253088698300015811151105 0886983000158 Current 11/5/2015
Pneumococcal Polysaccharide VIS 10/6/2009 253088698300016511091006 0886983000165 Historic 4/24/2015
Pneumococcal Polysaccharide VIS 4/24/2015 253088698300016511150424 0886983000165 Current 4/24/2015
Polio VIS 11/8/2011 253088698300017211111108 0886983000172 Historic 7/20/2016
Polio Vaccine VIS 7/20/2016 253088698300017211160720 0886983000172 Current 7/20/2016
Rabies VIS 10/6/2009 253088698300018911091006 0886983000189 Current 2/24/2012
Rotavirus VIS 12/6/2010 253088698300019611101206 0886983000196 Historic 8/26/2013
Rotavirus VIS 8/26/2013 253088698300019611130826 0886983000196 Historic 4/15/2015
Rotavirus VIS 4/15/2015 253088698300019611150415 0886983000196 Current 4/15/2015
Shingles VIS 10/6/2009 253088698300020211091006 0886983000202 Current 2/24/2012
Tetanus/Diphtheria (Td) VIS 2/4/2014 253088698300028811140204 0886983000288 Historic 2/24/2015
Tetanus/Diphtheria (Td) VIS 2/24/2015 253088698300028811150224 0886983000288 Current 2/24/2015
Tetanus/Diphtheria/Pertussis (Tdap) VIS 5/9/2013 253088698300027111130509 0886983000271 Historic 2/24/2015
Tetanus/Diphtheria/Pertussis (Tdap) VIS 2/24/2015 253088698300027111150224 0886983000271 Current 2/24/2015
Tetanus / Diphtheria / Pertussis (Tdap/Td) VIS 1/24/2012 253088698300022611120124 0886983000226 Historic 2/4/2014
Typhoid VIS 5/29/2012 253088698300023311120529 0886983000233 Current 5/29/2012
Varicella (Chickenpox) VIS 3/13/2008 253088698300024011080313 0886983000240 Current 2/8/2013
Yellow Fever VIS 3/30/2011 253088698300025711110330 0886983000257 Current 2/8/2013


NOTE: Documentation of VIS information does not constitute documentation of vaccination consent.

Questions regarding this table should be directed to the IIS Technical Assistance Team (or use IIS mailing address).

Find more information about barcodes on VIS statements.

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