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Forum on Environmental Measurements

The Forum on Environmental Measurements (FEM) is a standing committee of senior US Environmental Protection Agency (i.e., EPA or the Agency) managers established to develop policies to guide the Agency's measurement community in: validating and disseminating methods for sample collection and analysis; for ensuring that monitoring studies are scientifically rigorous, statistically sound, and yield representative measurements; and for employing a quality systems approach that ensures that the data gathered and used by the Agency is of known and documented quality. The FEM was established on April 7, 2003 to promote consistency and consensus within the EPA on measurement issues and provide an internal and external contact point for addressing measurement methodology, monitoring, and laboratory science issues with multi-program impact. FEM Charter (PDF) (4 pp, 28K, About PDF)

The FEM is engaged in a number of activities to implement its mission and all work is reported to the Science and Technology Policy Council (STPC) annually in addition to specific products as they are completed. Areas of focus are listed below with a link to each that provides a description of work and all final products. As an additional service to connect measurement, monitoring, and laboratory science, this site also serves as a conduit to link the Agency's information for measurement methodology, laboratory accreditation, monitoring programs, and measurement science programs.

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