
Sustainability starts with energy efficiency

If your organization is like most, you have a sustainability policy. But did you know that the energy used in your space is likely to be the biggest contributor to your environmental footprint?

That’s why occupying energy-efficient space is one of the most important ways to demonstrate your organization’s commitment to sustainability to your employees, clients, and customers.

Enhance your reputation and your bottom line

The benefits of leasing energy-efficient space go beyond reputational enhancement. How much money would you save if your energy costs were just 10 percent lower? For a 50,000-square-foot-lease, a 10 percent savings could easily mean an extra $10,000 available for advancing your mission.

Further, evidence1 suggests that employees are more comfortable and productive when working in green, efficient environments.

Learn how to improve energy efficiency at every step in the leasing process

As a tenant, you have the power to make a difference when you select a space, in the build-out process, and during occupancy. Click on the tabs above to learn how.

2016 ENERGY STAR Certified Buidling logo

Find green space

Starting your new lease in an efficient, green building lets you hit the ground running toward your sustainability goals—and your employees will thank you.

architects working on a project plan

Build out for top performance

You only get one chance to build it right. Take advantage of the build-out phase to make your space as efficient and cost effective as possible, in order to reap benefits throughout the lease term.

A computer monitor showing the Portfolio Manager login page.

Occupy space efficiently

Save energy, save money, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Don’t miss out on these benefits of efficiency, no matter how much space you lease.

group of employees talking

Engage employees and other occupants

The people inside your building or leased space are responsible for the bulk of its energy use. After all, plug loads, lighting, and HVAC in tenant spaces often account for 50 percent or more of a building’s total energy use.

group of employees talking

Recognize and communicate success

You’ve increased efficiency, saved money, and avoided greenhouse gas emissions – time to spread the word (and the rewards)! Your website, newsletters, annual reports, press releases, and social media sites are all great forums for trumpeting your success.

tenants working on making their space energy efficient

About "Tenant Star"

EPA is excited to be working on new ENERGY STAR recognition for energy-efficient tenant spaces! Under legislation passed in April 2015, EPA plans to introduce recognition for energy-efficient design and construction, as well as for efficient operation of tenant spaces.

1Health, Wellbeing & Productivity in Offices (PDF 15.1MB), September 2014, World Green Building Council