Immigration Judge Benchbook

Introduction | Tools for the IJ | Templates | Legal Resources | Alerts

Disclaimer: The IMMIGRATION JUDGE BENCHBOOK, including all files and hyperlinks therein contained, is a tool for immigration judges. It shares useful information with immigration judges to assist in the adjudication of immigration cases. It is not legal advice and should not be considered as legal advice. EOIR cannot provide legal advice to the public; EOIR will not answer questions about the benchbook's content or how it may pertain to an individual case, except as required by law. Those seeking guidance concerning Immigration Court proceedings should consult the Immigration Court Practice Manual. The benchbook does not, is not intended to, shall not be construed to, and may not be relied upon to create or to limit any rights, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law by any party in any matter, civil or criminal.


Tools for the Immigration Judge


Checklists, Worksheets & Forms

Introductory Guides

Sample Orders

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Legal Resources

Westlaw & LexisNexis

Virtual Law Library

"Fundamentals" Outline

2d Circuit

3d Circuit

9th Circuit

Circuit Resources

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Creation of a Benchbook Advisory

As a part of the continuing efforts to make the Immigration Judge Benchbook more functional and user friendly, a Benchbook Advisory will be posted to the Benchbook to keep you apprised of changes that impact our work. These advisories will be written by sitting Immigration Judges as well as by attorneys within EOIR and contain analysis of a particular case or topic.

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Updated January 10, 2017