ePetition Resource Page

EFS-Web logoThe ePetitions Resource Page provides useful information and guidance regarding the submission, automatic processing, and immediate grant of ePetitions.

  • Secure Filing with Auto-Grant. Filing an ePetition via EFS-Web automates the petition process and allows petitioners to directly input the requisite information into a secure Web interface and immediately receive an ePetition decision.
  • Saves Time when Immediate Petition Decisions are Important. Time savings using ePetitions is especially advantageous for critical petitions where an automatic petition grant would reduce delays in restoration of patent rights, expedite withdrawal from representation and redirect Office correspondence to the new correspondence address, and initiate the revival of an abandoned application to save patent term adjustment time.

For questions regarding Patent e-Filing, or to suggest improvements to the online system, please send an email to ebc@uspto.gov or call the Patent Electronic Business Center at 1-866-217-9197 (toll free) or 571-272-4100 from 6 a.m. to 12 Midnight Eastern Time, Monday - Friday.

PDF-based ePetitions

The PDF-based ePetitions require the download and completion of the respective EFS-Web Fillable PDF Form.


Web-based ePetitions

The ePetition information can be entered directly into EFS-Web screens. The PDF form is not required for these ePetitions.

  •  Petition to Make Special Based on Age (37 CFR 1.102) 
  • Request for Withdrawal as Attorney or Agent of Record (37 CFR 1.36)
  • Petitions to Withdraw from Issue after Payment of the Issue Fee
    • Petition to Withdraw from Issue after Payment of the Issue Fee (37 CFR 1.313(c)(1) or (2))
    • Petition to Withdraw from Issue after Payment of the Issue Fee (37 CFR 1.313(c)(3))
    • Petition to Withdraw from Issue after Payment of the Issue Fee (37 CFR 1.313(c)(1) or (2) with Assigned Patent Number)
    • Petition to Withdraw from Issue after Payment of the Issue Fee (37 CFR 1.313(c)(3) with Assigned Patent Number)
  • Petitions for Revival
    • Petition to Accept Late Payment of Issue Fee - Unintentional Late Payment (37 CFR 1.137(a))
    • Petition for Revival of an Application based on Failure to Notify the Office of a Foreign or International Filing (37 CFR 1.137(f))
    • Petition for Revival of an Application for Continuity Purposes Only (37 CFR 1.137(a))
    • Petition for Revival of an Abandoned Patent Application Abandoned Unintentionally(37 CFR 1.137(a)) (For Cases Abandoned After 1st Action and Prior to Notice of Allowance)
  • Petition to Correct Assignee After Payment of Issue Fee (37 CFR 3.81(b))
  • Petition to Accept Unintentional Delayed Payment of the Maintenance Fee (37 CFR 1.378(b))

The Quick Path Information Disclosure Statement (QPIDS) is available through the ePetition to Withdraw from Issue after Payment of Issue Fee. For more information, please visit the Quick Path Information Disclosure Statement (QPIDS) page.

Additional Information:

Web-based ePetition Quick Start Guide [PDF]
ePetition FAQs
ePetition Brochure
OMB Clearance and PRA Burden Statement