Department of Navy Chief Information Officer

From the CIO
Robert Foster, DON CIO

Join Us at a 2017 DON IT Conference

by Robert Foster - January 27, 2017

I want to take this opportunity to encourage attendance at one of the 2017 DON IT conferences. These events, held twice each year, are highly successful at bringing together the Department’s Information Management and Information Technology professionals to learn about the latest initiatives, collaborate on lessons learned and best practices, interact with DON leadership, and attend sessions that support continuous learning.

Privacy Tip

Tax-Related Identity Theft: Don't Be a Victim

January 26, 2017

The threat of tax return identity theft remains a growing problem. Learn the signs of potential fraudulent activity, how to reduce your risk, and actions you can take if you become a victim of tax return related identity theft.

Fast Fact

Basic Cybersecurity Tips to Keep Your Data Safe

January 12, 2017

When using a laptop at work and/or at home, you should be taking a few basic steps to keep your data safe and your system operational.

Featured News

DON IT Conference Schedule Now Available

January 17, 2017

The DON IT Conference, West Coast 2017 schedule is now available. The conference will be held Feb. 21-23, 2017, at the San Diego Convention Center in San Diego, CA. Pre-registration is open, and will remain open until Feb. 10, or until the TAD limit is reached. On-site registration will be available for local attendees and those in San Diego on other business only.

Register for DON IT East 2017

November 8, 2016

Registration for the DON IT Conference, East Coast 2017 is open. The conference has been approved for May 16-18, 2017 at the Hilton Norfolk The Main.

DoD CIO Releases DoD IT Environment: Way Forward for Tomorrow's Strategic Landscape

September 14, 2016

On August 18, 2016 DoD CIO released a new strategy titled, "DoD IT Environment: Way Forward for Tomorrow's Strategic Landscape." ...

DON Cyberspace (Cyber) IT and Cybersecurity Workforce - Who Are We?

by Chris Kelsall - September 14, 2016

Remember Clinger-Cohen and the original Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA), when it was called the Information Technology, Information Management, Information Resources Management and Information Assurance (IT/IM/IRM/IA) Workforce? That was 10 years ago. Since then, the world has moved on to cyber and cybersecurity, with a lot of workforce definitions and titles coming and going - and staying....