Naval Sea Systems Command


“In the Navy, it is always required that all components of the fleet be ready for naval operations whenever they are needed. The navy needs to be well trained and agile to react in time to any unforeseen event.” – Veysel Kocaman, Penn State Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering

Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC), Corona Division Readiness Assessment Department Head James Watson briefs U.S. Representative Ken Calvert (R-Corona). Calvert listened to command overview led by NSWC Corona Commanding Officer Capt. (select) Eric Ver Hage and Technical Director Dr. William Luebke (SES) and was briefed by department heads on NSWC Corona's role as the Navy's independent assessment agent.

Tasked by U.S. Coast Guard SFLC, NSWC Corona Readiness Assessment Department engineers applied their Material Readiness Database (MRDB) expertise in developing eLOG, replacing a bound-book system to provide improved material readiness assessment support for technical, supply and casualty response, resulting in ability to make more informed decisions regarding system upgrades, training improvements and total life cycle cost across the fleet.

Readiness Database/Reliability, Maintainability and Availability (MRDB/RMA) Training for Readiness Assessment (RA) engineers. The purpose of the training was to impart knowledge from NSWC Corona Division SMEs to the junior members of the Material Readiness Assessment workforce and to continue the long march toward documented technical processes.

Air and Self-Defense Weapons Branch (RA22) Engineer Dean Stamp, left, explains work of Readiness Assessment Department during inaugural Inland Empire Armed Forces Day event at NSWC Corona Division. Themed "United in Strength," the event paid tribute to all Armed Forces, as well as showcased military technology, vehicles and hardware through a variety of hands-on exhibits for children and adults alike.
Acquisition and Readiness Assessment Department

The Acquisition and Readiness Assessment Department serves as the Independent Assessment agent to assure the quality and mission assurance of weapons, combat systems, and equipment (TC AC02). In this role, the department develops quality and technical requirements and guidance for application to development, production, and maintenance of DoD systems; conducts assessments of defense contractors and field/fleet activities quality and technical systems, and provides technical assistance to DoD offices, contractors, and field/Fleet activities in the interpretation and implementation of quality requirements and the resolution of quality issues.

The department also serves as the Navy's independent assessment agent for Naval warfare systems material readiness (TC AC06), working collaboratively with a broad spectrum of Navy and other DoD programs, fleet commands, warfare centers, original equipment manufacturers, and others, designs, develops, implements, and maintains information systems that enable the production and delivery of readiness assessment products and diagnostic information necessary to manage readiness of in-service ships, ship systems, and weapons. This role includes 1) developing and maintaining evaluation criteria, procedures, techniques, and analysis methodologies for analyzing, monitoring, and reporting authoritative measures of warfare systems availability, reliability, and maintainability (RM&A); 2) calculating metrics that provide the foundation for objective measurement of fleet material readiness; 3) characterizing factors that limit combat readiness; 4) validating effectiveness for corrective action to improve fleet readiness; and 5) supporting the suitability assessment of new and updated warfare systems during developmental and operational test and evaluation. The empirical data on in-service readiness maintained by the department are used by Navy program managers in evaluating the requirements, design, and analysis of alternatives for new systems.

Key enablers for the department are the information systems used to store, filter, and distribute information both internally and externally for customers. Additionally the department manages and operates the Government-Industry Data Exchange Program (GIDEP) for federal agencies, and the Trouble Failure Report (TFR) Program for SSP, and the Sunset Supply Base (SSB) Program. TFR provides problem/failure reporting program for Strategic Weapon System (SSBN) and Attack Weapon System (SSGN), providing Corrective Action (CA) feedback/recommendations to originators from CA Activities.

Core Functions

Quality and Mission Assurance Assessments

  • Technical Program Management Evaluations
  • Quality and Mission Assurance Evaluations
  • Reliability and Maintainability Assessment of Design Product
  • Product Oriented Surveys
  • Software Process Evaluations
  • Production Readiness Reviews
  • Independent Logistics Assessments
  • Manufacturing Process Technical Assists
  • Best Manufacturing Practices Surveys
  • Risk Assessments

Life Cycle Quality Engineering and Mission Assurance Support

  • Develop, maintain, and assess program policies, plans, requirements, and guidelines
  • Technical, Mission Assurance, Quality, and Safety Support
  • Risk Management Support
  • Reliability Engineering Assessment and Reliability Modeling
  • Technical Process Training and Support

Material Readiness Assessment

  • Material readiness assessment of Combat, C4I and HM&E systems
  • Platform-level material readiness assessment
  • Objective and predictive analysis in support of Navy modernization and sustainment
  • Shipboard system parts sparing analysis
  • Development, coordination, and implementation of system reliability block diagrams
  • Development and implementation of bridge plot designs
  • Surface Warfare Enterprise metrics and analysis initiatives, such as
    • Troubled Systems Process (TSP)
    • Readiness Kill Chain (RKC)
    • HM&E and platform sustainment
    • Combat and C4I Knowledge Sharing Network (KSN)
    • Surface Team - One
    • Ship class mid-life assessments

Weapons Readiness Assessment

  • Weapons reliability and maintainability analysis
  • Weapons suitability assessment
  • Weapons reliability modeling and statistical analysis
  • Missile stockpile assessment
  • Missile test set data analysis
  • Evaluation and validation of missile maintenance intervals
  • Weapons surveillance planning and execution
  • Business Intelligence Systems

Information Systems Management

  • Readiness IT systems technical support and management
    • Material Readiness Assessment System
    • CASREP Information System
    • Surface Missile Systems Maintenance Data System
    • Surface Missiles Engineering Production System
    • Trouble and Failure Report (TFR)
    • Government Industry Data Exchange Program (GIDEP)
  • Information Assurance planning and execution
  • Development, operation, maintenance of integrated information systems
  • IT systems configuration and access management
  • Test and verification of new IT solutions
  • Software development, test, and verification
  • Collection and validation of readiness lifecycle source data and management data

Trouble and Failure Report (TFR) System

  • Develop and provide TFR program management systems
  • Develop program management policies and instructions
  • Collect, retain, and distribute data
  • Provide timely and reliable responses for Fleet TFRs

Government Industry Data Exchange Program (GIDEP)

  • Provide GIDEP System Management
  • Government-wide system for exchanging information on Non-Conforming products
  • Central DoD repository for the reporting of items suspected to be counterfeit
  • DoD designated database for Diminishing Manufacturing Sources and Material Shortage Notices
  • WEB Access to Technical Reports and Documents

Sunset Supply Base

  • Mitigate obsolescence issues presented by COTS
  • Support options of system upgrades or development initiatives
  • Provide cost savings over the product life-cycle and improve schedule flexibility
  • Forecast budget requirements in support of the Programs, warfighter or consumer
  • Leverage Navy and commercial supportability assets and provide networked solutions


  • NAVSEA and affiliated PEOs
    • SEA 21 Surface Warfare
    • PEO Integrated Warfare Systems
    • PEO Ships
    • PEO LMW
    • PEO LCS
  • Fleet Commands
    • Surface Warfare Enterprise
    • US Fleet Forces/Commander Pacific Fleet
    • Commander Naval Surface Forces
    • Commander Naval Air Forces
  • Missile Defense Agency
  • Coast Guard
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