Naval Sea Systems Command

Environmental Quality Systems

 RDT&E of Naval Environmental Control Systems

  • Designing, developing, and testing state-of-the-art systems (concept to full-scale prototype)
  • Assessing available  and emerging technologies/systems for Navy suitability and use in the constraints  shipboard operating environment
  • Developing solutions for compliance with at-sea  international discharge standards

Future Fleet Environmental Quality Systems and Processes

  • Advising Acquisition Program Offices on selection of environmental control systems
  • Analyzing operating envelope and providing guidance on international pollution control requirements
  • Supporting integration of Environmental, Safety and Occupational Health protection into ship acquisition strategies.

NAVSEA lead for RADIAC Program

  • Radiation detection, identification and measurement, dosimeter standards and calibration for Navy and DoD
  • R&D of radiation physics, with emphasis on dosimetry, shielding, and instrument development
  • Testing and evaluation of RADIAC instruments
  • Navy lead for Systems/Equipment Acquisition

Power Materials and Systems

  • Novel high performance electrochemical power sources
  • High Power and High Energy Li-ion Batteries application and safety
  • Solar Power and Fuel Cell development and testing

Provide Support to US Navy Ship and Submarine Acquisition Programs as the Principal for Safety

  • Develop Systems Safety Program Plans for all aspects of Life Cycle
  • Conduct Safety Analyses to assess hazards, develop mitigation strategies and define risk:
    • Human/system interfaces
    • Toxic/Hazardous Material
    • Production/Manufacturing
    • Testing
    • Facilities
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