Naval Sea Systems Command


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Surface Combat Systems Center
Surface Combat Systems Center is a unique shore installation that provides the best maritime and littoral environment, operational team, high-fidelity combat systems and platform sensors, along with the ability to connect with ships, aircraft, and other land-based sites for Surface Navy testing, training, and support of deployed surface combat systems, advanced systems under development, warfare systems integration, interoperability, and at-sea testing and exercises.

Who We Are
Located on the Atlantic Ocean adjacent to the military’s Virginia’s Capes OPAREA, we are the ideal location to conduct unobstructed and uninterrupted engineering, testing, and training exercises in the presence of sea clutter and reflectivity. Our team of 400+ military, civilian, and contractor personnel provide high quality engineering and technical support to enable effective combat systems engineering, testing, and training in an operational setting.

What We Do
• Provide live integrated warfare systems in a maritime environment for fleet operations, testing, evaluation, training, research and development.
• Provide an operational team and high fidelity combat systems suites with platform specific radars and sensors in an operational environment.
• Provide labs for Strike Group Inter-operability testing as well as research and development projects.


Provide live and simulated integrated warfare capabilities in a net-centric, maritime environment to develop, test, evaluate, and conduct Fleet operations and training for the warfighter.


To be recognized as an Integrated Warfare Systems Center of Excellence – Trusted Service for the Fleet.
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