Handouts for the National Energy Modeling System/
Annual Energy Outlook 2001 Conference

Tuesday March 27, 2001

Please Check Back for Handouts Received After March 22, 2001.

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Name of Session


Available Formats

Overview of the Annual Energy Outlook 2001

Mary J. Hutzler

HTML, Powerpoint

Keynote Address: Climate Change after the Hague: Implications for the Energy Sector

Henry D. Jacoby

HTML, Powerpoint

Greenhouse Gas Challenges: Current Perspectives - Andy S. Kydes 

Summary of Recent IPCC Working Groups Contributions to IPCC Third Assessment Report Paul McArdle

HTML, Powerpoint

Global Warming, Fact or Fiction Martin Ledwitz

HTML, Powerpoint

Attaining Greenhouse Gas Reductions at Modest and Predictable Cost Raymond Kopp

HTML, Powerpoint

Analysis of Strategies for Reducing Multiple Emissions from Power Plants:  Sulfur Dioxide, Nitrogen Oxides and Carbon Dioxide Scott Sitzer

HTML, Powerpoint

The Natural Gas Frontier: 2015 and Beyond - James M. Kendell 

The North American Frontier: Arctic Gas and More Roland George

HTML, Powerpoint

The Gulf of Mexico: Rising Star or Over the Hill? Richard Nehring

HTML, Powerpoint

Unconventional Gas: A Long-Term View Vello A. Kuuskraa

HTML, Powerpoint

Forecasting International Oil Demand and Supply - Linda Doman 

Oil Market Outlook Adam Sieminski

HTML, Powerpoint

Forecasting Long-Term Non-OPEC Supply, Science and Art Michael C. Lynch

HTML, Powerpoint

Long-Term Oil Market Forecasting:  The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly G. Daniel Butler

HTML, Powerpoint

Projections of World Energy and Oil Demand Dermot Gately

HTML, Powerpoint

Macroeconomic Forecasting with the Revised National Income and Product Accounts - Ronald F. Earley 
The Revision of the National Income and Product Accounts Brent Moulton

 HTML, Powerpoint

The Macroeconomic Forecast for the Annual Energy Outlook 2001 Kay Smith

HTML, Powerpoint

What's New About the New Economy?: IT, Economic Growth and Productivity Jack E. Triplett


Macroeconomic Forecasting at the Council of Economic Advisers Steven Braun


Electricity Competition: An Update - Robert T. Eynon 
The State of the Eastern ISO Markets Udi Helman

HTML, Powerpoint

Reliability: New Concerns, New Approaches Diane J. Barney

HTML, Powerpoint

Status of Wholesale U.S. Power Markets Jack Cashin

HTML, Powerpoint

Advanced Light-Duty Vehicle Technology and Diffusion - John Maples 

State-of-the-Art Advanced Technology Vehicles Edward J. Wall

HTML, Powerpoint

Advanced Technology Vehicles What, When, How Many?? David R. Baxter

HTML, Powerpoint

Demographic and Economic Factors That Drive the Projections for Travel Nancy McGuckin

HTML, Powerpoint

Distributed Generation: Costs, Technologies, and Opportunities - Scott B. Sitzer 

Distributed Generation in the NEMS Buildings Modules Steven Wade

HTML, Powerpoint

Distributed Generation in the NEMS Electricity Market Module J. Alan Beamon

HTML, Powerpoint

Distributed Generation Technologies for Commercial and Industrial Applications: An Assessment of Today's Options and the Potential for Advancements Paul Bautista

HTML, Powerpoint

Applications, Markets, and Technologies for Distributed Power Joseph J. Iannucci

HTML, Powerpoint

Transportation Fuels: Reduced Sulfur and Oxygenates - Bruce Bawks 

Overview of the New Vehicle and Engine Exhaust Emission and Fuel Quality Standards in the United States Mary T. Manners

HTML, Powerpoint

Yet Another ULSD Study-EIA Assumptions James M. Kendell

HTML, Powerpoint

Industry Perspective on Diesel Desulfurization Arthur Wiese

HTML, Powerpoint

Can We Have Clean Diesel Fuel Without Supply Disruptions? Barry McNutt

 HTML, Powerpoint 

Exploring Uncertainty in the Annual Energy Outlook - Susan H. Holte 

Uncertainty Analysis in Large Scale Energy-Environment Modeling John P. Weyant

HTML, Powerpoint

The Impact of Technology and Economic Uncertainty in the NEMS Demand Modules John H. Cymbalsky

HTML, Powerpoint

Technology and Geology: Key Elements Shaping the Oil and Natural Gas Markets Dana Van Wagener

HTML, Powerpoint

Sensitivity Analysis and Value of Information: What Assumptions in the NEMS Electricity Market Module Matter Most? Benjamin F. Hobbs

HTML, Powerpoint

N/A = Not Available 

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