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Oregon / Washington

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

The questions people ask the most are answered below, or links are provided to more detailed information.

To view the question's answer, click on the question below to see the answer or use the Expand All to see all of the answers.


What is the Bureau of Land Management (BLM)? 

The BLM is an agency in the Department of the Interior, in the U.S. Government. The BLM manages 264 million acres of surface acres of public lands located primarily in the 12 Western States, including Alaska. The agency manages an additional 300 million acres of below ground mineral estate located throughout the country. Originally, these lands were valued principally for the commodities extracted from them; today, the public also prizes them for their recreational opportunities and the natural, historical, and cultural resources they contain.

How does the BLM manage the public lands?

The BLM administers public lands within a framework of numerous laws. The most comprehensive of these is the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 (FLPMA). All Bureau policies, procedures and management actions must be consistent with FLPMA and the other laws that govern use of public lands. It is the mission of the Bureau of Land Management to sustain the health, diversity and productivity of the public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.

What is FLPMA?

The Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 declared it the policy of the United States that: "....the public lands be retained in Federal ownership, unless as a result of the land use planning procedure provided in this Act, it is determined that disposal of a particular parcel will serve the national interest..." Through FLPMA, Congress made it clear that the public lands should be held in public ownership and managed for "multiple use," defined as: "...the management of the public lands and their various resource values so that they are utilized in the combination that will best meet the present and future needs of the American people..."

What is the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)?

The Freedom of information Act (FOIA) was enacted in 1966, and it generally provides that any person has a right of access to Federal agency records. This right of access is enforceable in court except for those records that are protected from disclosure by the nine exemptions stated in FOIA.

What information is available under the FOIA and what are the nine specific exemptions?

FOIA provides access to agency records generated by that agency (or releasable portions of those records) except those protected from release by nine specific exemptions. The following are the nine FOIA exemptions and the information they cover:

  1. Classified national defense and foreign relations information
  2. Internal agency personnel rules and practices
  3. Material prohibited from disclosure by another law
  4. Trade secrets and other confidential business information
  5. Certain inter-agency, or intra-agency communications
  6. Personnel, medical, and other files involving personal privacy
  7. Certain records compiled for law enforcement purposes
  8. Matters relating to the supervision of financial institutions
  9. Geological information on oil wells

How long will it take to answer my request?

Federal agencies are required to answer your request for information within 20-working days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays) of receipt of your request at the office responsible for the records. For FOIA requests received by e-mail, the "receipt" date is considered the date the e-mail message is opened by the Bureau responsible for the information. Sometimes an agency may need more than 20-working days to find the records, examine them, possibly consult with other persons or agencies, and decide whether it will disclose the records requested. If so, the agency is required to inform you before the deadline. Agencies have the right to extend this period up to 10 more working days.

Are there any recording laws specific to BLM lands?

Oregon and Washington are premiere shoot locations for commercials and movies. Particular laws do apply to recording imagery for commercial use.

Can I download any images from the BLM photo library?

You can download amazing photographs of people and public land resources across the country FOR FREE? Simply right click on the images you like and choose "Save Picture As" to get your own copy from our photo database.

Are their any employment opportunities within the BLM?

The broad array of BLM activities is reflected in our workforce. See the many diverse and exciting careers opportunities at the BLM � and how to apply if you're interested.

Where can I find the latest news within the BLM?

It's easy to find out the latest news from the BLM by having the news delivered directly to you. You won't even have to tip the paper carrier! Just select which topics you want to hear about and subscribe to the applicable RSS feeds.

Are there any BLM Citizen Advisory Groups?

People in western Oregon can help decide where to invest their county funds to restore watersheds and benefit other resources. The projects selected by these advisory groups can also provide jobs and other benefits to rural residents.

Does the BLM have any seasonal job opportunities?

The BLM hires seasonal help for wildland firefighting as well as many other jobs in the great outdoors. There�s also a program specifically set up for students!

Where can I provide on-line feedback?

You can ask questions or give us your ideas about the BLM's work in the Northwest on our feedback page.

What is the BLM's role in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act?

You can get the latest information on what the BLM is doing as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.


What kinds of outdoor recreational opportunities can I find on public lands in Oregon and Washington?

BLM public lands in Oregon and Washington offer an amazing array of settings including coastal beaches and headlands, Cascade forests and rivers, Columbia Plateau pothole lakes, and high desert mountains and grasslands. Across the region, facilities such as day use areas, trails, campgrounds, boat launches, visitor centers, and plenty of open space offer some of best hiking, camping, fishing, boating, horseback riding, birding, fossil collecting, and off-roading in the Northwest, along with opportunities to learn about nature, history, and culture.

Do I have to pay a fee to recreate on BLM lands?

In some areas, fees are required. The use of most trails, undeveloped or primitive recreation sites, and open space is free. Certain highly developed sites such as visitor centers, campgrounds, and group picnic shelters require a fee as established by the Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act. For more information on which sites charge fees click here: (link to page on our websites)

I have already purchased a federal recreation pass. Is it good at BLM sites?

The BLM, in partnership with the other federal land management agencies such as the National Park Service, US Forest Service, and US Fish and Wildlife Service, honors the America the Beautiful-National Parks and Federal Lands Pass at all BLM fee sites in Oregon and Washington. For more information on the America the Beautiful Pass and other recreation passes, click here: (link to page on our websites)

Are there limits on how long I can stay at BLM recreation sites?

The limit for length of stay at BLM recreation sites in Oregon and Washington is 14 days. This applies to all sites, both those that charge fees and those that are free.

Can I reserve a campsite?

While most BLM campgrounds and campsites operate on a first come, first served basis, there are two that offer advanced reservations:

  • Fisherman�s Bend, Salem District
  • Loon Lake, Coos Bay District

All federal government reservations are handled through a national contract with Reserve America on the Recreation.Gov website. Click here to get more information or make a reservation: (link to Rec.Gov site)

What are the rules for campfires on BLM public lands? Where can I get firewood? Do you provide it at your BLM campgrounds?

In developed recreation sites, fires may only be lit in a stove, grill, fireplace, or ring provided for this purpose. Some sites will provide firewood for sale. Otherwise, bring firewood with you. You are not allowed to collect on site.

During periods of high fire danger campfires outside of developed sites may be prohibited.

Outside of developed recreation sites, be careful with fire and practice Leave No Trace guidelines:

  • Carry a shovel, axe and bucket.
  • Select a safe spot or opening. Clear a small area down to mineral soil.
  • Keep you fire small and never leave a fire unattended.
  • Extinguish your fire completely, stir the ashes, and make sure they are cool to the touch before you leave.
  • Collect only dead and downed wood.
  • Consider limiting your use to fuel stoves and lanterns.

Where can I ride/drive my Off-Highway Vehicle on BLM public lands?

Off-highway vehicles including motorcycles, quads, jeeps, and full-sized vehicles may generally travel on all BLM improved and unimproved roads, with the exception of a few county roads. For those wishing to travel cross-country, more than 8.3 million acres of public lands in Oregon and Washington are designated as open for cross-country travel. Consult with the BLM District where you want to ride to determine which areas and roads are legal to travel and which are closed. Also during periods of high fire danger, temporary closures may be in effect. Those wising to ride in Oregon can obtain information on statewide regulations and a free brochure entitled �OHV Oregon� listing all of the developed OHV areas by visiting: http://www.oregonOHV.org

For more information on OHV safety click on: http://www.atvsafety.org

For more information on how to reduce OHV impacts visit: http://www.treadlightly.org

Where can I shoot my gun on BLM public lands?

State and local laws relating to the use of firearms or other weapons apply on public lands due to proximity to residential areas, high recreational use, or other resource concerns.

It is legal to discharge firearms including handguns, rifles, and shotguns on public lands in Oregon and Washington as long as you are outside of designated developed sites and areas that have been closed to shooting due to proximity to residential areas. Consult with the BLM District where you want to shoot to determine which areas are closed. The BLM in the Pacific Northwest does not maintain any designated shooting ranges. While shooting please remember it is illegal to:

  • Create a hazard or nuisance.
  • Dispose of cans, bottles, and other nonflammable trash and garbage except in designated places or receptacles-pack it in, pack it out.
  • Deface, remove, or destroy plants or their parts, soil, rocks or minerals, or cave resources.
  • Deface, disturb, remove, or destroy any personal property, or structures, or scientific, cultural, or archeological or historic resource, natural object, or area.

Can I bring my pet with me?

Pets are allowed on public lands must be on a leash or otherwise controlled when in developed recreation sites. Pets should not create a hazard or nuisance for other visitors or harass wildlife.

Is it legal to hunt and fish on BLM public lands?

Yes. As long as you hold a valid State license, you may hunt, trap, and fish on BLM public lands in Oregon and Washington. You must comply with State license requirements and regulations for these activities. A BLM Special Recreation Permit may be required when providing a commercial service to the public in addition to a State license.

Is it legal to collect natural materials on BLM public lands?

Except in developed recreation sites and areas where it has been prohibited and posted, it is permissible to collect reasonable amounts of the following for non-commercial purposes:

  • Commonly available renewable resources such as flowers, berries, nuts, seeds, cones, and leaves.
  • Nonrenewable resources such as rocks, mineral specimens, common invertebrate fossils, and semiprecious gemstones.
  • Forest products for use in campfires on public lands.

Other materials and the collection of materials for sale or barter to commercial dealers require a permit.

I/we are planning a special event at a BLM site. Do I need a permit and if so, how soon can I get one? Will it cost me anything?

If your event takes place on public lands and charges a fee, generates revenues, stages a competition, is advertised, includes a marked course, and/or involves large numbers of people and/or vehicles, you may need a permit from the BLM. For all uses requiring a Special Recreation Permit, you must apply to your local BLM office at least 180 days prior to your event. For more information on permits click here: (link to Permit Page on website) We also encourage you to contact your local BLM office directly.

Where can I get copies of maps and brochures to help me plan my adventure?

To obtain maps and brochures of the Oregon and Washington BLM Districts and the most popular recreation sites, see our Recreation Resources page.

How many National Monuments are managed by the OR/WA BLM?

The BLM manages one National Monument in Oregon that covers a whopping 53,000 acres, and one in Washington State that covers 1,000 acres. The Cascade Siskiyou National Monument in southwestern Oregon lies at the crossroads of the Cascade, Klamath, and Siskiyou mountain ranges. And to learn more about this special place that scientists have long recognized for its outstanding ecological values and remarkable biological diversity visit the BLM's monuments webpage.

Situated in the northern reaches of Washington State's Puget Sound, the San Juan Islands are a uniquely beautiful archipelago of over 450 islands, rocks, and pinnacles. The new San Juan Islands National Monument encompasses approximately 1,000 acres of land spread across many of these rocks and islands and managed by the Department of the Interior's Bureau of Land Management.

These monuments are part of the Bureau of Land Management's National Conservation Lands. The National Conservation Lands include nearly 27 million acres of National Monuments, National Conservation Areas, Wild and Scenic Rivers, and National Scenic and Historic Trails. The National Conservation Lands work to conserve the essential fabric of the West, while offering exceptional opportunities for recreation, solitude, wildlife viewing, exploring history, and scientific research.

How many Wild and Scenic Rivers in Oregon and Washington are managed by the OR/WA BLM?

The BLM is responsible for managing portions of 38 Wild and Scenic Rivers in Oregon and Washington that cover a combined total of over 2,000 miles? Wild and Scenic Rivers are designated under the authority of the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act of 1968 to protect outstanding scenic, recreational, geologic, fish and wildlife, historic, cultural, or other standards as well as to preserve these rivers in their free-flowing condition.

How can you discover our national heritage?

The BLM offers a variety of visitor centers, interpretive trails, scenic byways, and educational programs to help you discover our national heritage.

How many volunteers does the OR/WA BLM work with?

The Oregon/Washington BLM worked with over 1,000 volunteers in 2007 who provided more than 217,000 hours with an approximate value of over four million dollars.

How many campgrounds are available on OR/WA BLM land?

The BLM in Oregon has 50 developed campgrounds with over 700 units for camping.


Am I entitled to free land from the BLM in Oregon and Washington?

No. While that was true at one time, there is no free land. more>>

What about homesteading?

Congress abolished homesteading in 1976 with passage of the Federal Land Policy and Management Act, which made it national policy to retain the public lands in Federal ownership. Today, the BLM manages the public lands for all Americans, who enjoy numerous benefits from these lands, including recreational opportunities, such as camping, hiking, hunting, and fishing.

I have seen an advertisement that says I can obtain low-cost land from the BLM. Is this true?

No. The BLM occasionally sells land - but only at fair market value, as required by law. The advertisement by private companies not associated with the Federal government may ask you to send in money for information about how to buy land for $1.25 an acre (or a similarly low figure). The BLM recommends that you read carefully any advertisement on this subject and be cautious about sending money. At the present time BLM has no lands in the states of Oregon or Washington available for sale to the public, nor does BLM maintain a mailing list to notify interested persons of future sales.

How does the BLM select land that might be sold?

Through its land-use planning process, the BLM identifies parcels of land for potential sale that fall into one of the following categories:

  • scattered and isolated tracts that are difficult or uneconomical to manage;
  • tracts acquired by the BLM for a specific purpose that are no longer needed for that purpose; or
  • land where disposal will serve important public objectives, such as community expansion and economic development.

The growing cities and towns of the West are spreading closer or even next to once-remote BLM-managed public lands. As a result, the public in general - and Westerners in particular - appreciate the open space guaranteed by BLM. For that reason, the agency considers its land sales even more carefully than in the past.

May I select a specific parcel of BLM-managed public land in Oregon and Washington that I am interested in purchasing?

No. You may bid only for those parcels that the BLM has decided to sell on a competitive-bid basis.

Does the BLM in Oregon and Washington sell buildings?

No. The General Services Administration administers the sale of all surplus Federal property.

I heard that I could get land in Oregon and Washington if I have a mining claim. Is that true?

No. Although current law allows you to stake a mining claim on Federal lands that are open to mineral entry, beginning in 1994 and in each subsequent year, Congress declared a moratorium on applying for a mineral patent to a properly located and recorded mining claim. While this moratorium is in effect, the BLM cannot accept mineral patent applications. You may obtain further information on locating mining claims from any BLM State Office.

How can I get a copy of a land or mineral patent in Oregon and Washington?

You may obtain microfilm copies of land and mineral patents from the BLM Oregon/Washington State Office Information Center at a cost of $1.10 per page. In addition, some land patent records are available for selected states on the BLM's Web site (http://www.glorecords.blm.gov/).

How can I get additional information?

Please contact the BLM Oregon/Washington State Office by filling out a comment form.

How can I obtain BLM maps of Oregon and Washington?

A map index and order form are available at the BLM Oregon/Washington State Office to assist you in your selection, or if you prefer, we will mail you copies. For more information, check our "Maps Available for Sale" page. At this time we cannot accept orders over the Internet but hope to in the future.

The BLM in Oregon and Washington administers how many acres of rangelands?

Approximately 14 million.
Read more about OR/WA rangelands

How many BLM land records are hosted nation-wide?

The BLM has over two billion (yes, billion!) land records nation-wide? One of the most important services the BLM provides as caretaker of the nation's land survey and mineral information records. These records originate with the founding of our nation. Congress created the General Land Office (GLO) in 1812 to handle the increasing land business from the rapid westward expansion. The GLO was given the responsibility to maintain land and mineral records.

How many acres of land has the OR/WA BLM acquired since 2006?

The BLM has acquired almost 3,500 acres of land throughout Oregon and Washington since 2006.

How many land leases does the OR/WA BLM own and what are these land leases purposes?

The BLM has nearly 450 land leases in Oregon and Washington totaling over 85,000 acres. The BLM leases land for airports, recreation, public purposes, and communications sites.

What other Federal agency can determine public land boundaries?

The BLM is the only Federal agency authorized to determine the boundaries of the public lands. It's true! Cadastral surveys are performed to create, mark and define, or retrace the boundaries between adjoining lands to include those of the Federal government and private owners or local governments. In 2007 alone, the BLM conducted surveys on over 300 miles of land.

How many acres of land withdrawals does the BLM process?

Since 2007, the BLM has worked on processing nearly 20,000 acres in withdrawals. What's a withdrawal, you ask? A withdrawal is an action which restricts the disposition of public lands and holds them for or dedicates them to specific public purposes � such as recreation sites, national parks, reclamation projects, wilderness areas, power site reserves, military reservations, administrative sites, and more.


Is it true the BLM in Oregon and Washington sells wild horses and burros?


What are wild horses and burros?

A wild horse or burro is an unbranded, unclaimed, free-roaming horse or burro found on BLM- or U.S. Forest Service-administered land in the western United States. Wild horses and burros are descendants of animals released by or escaped from Spanish explorers, ranchers, miners, soldiers, or Native Americans.

Why does the Federal Government offer wild horses and burros for adoption?

The Bureau of Land Management and the U.S. Forest Service are responsible for the management and protection of wild horses and burros on public lands. Federal protection and a scarcity of natural predators results in thriving herds that increase in population each year.

What kinds of wild horses and burros are available for adoption?

Wild horses are of no particular breed, but some exhibit characteristics associated with specific breeds. A typical wild horse stands about 14 to 15 hands (56-60") and weighs about 900 to 1,100 pounds. Horses are generally solid in color and predominantly sorrels, bays, or browns, although all colors occur. Horses offered for adoption range from several months to nine years of age. Most horses are five years or younger. Burros average about 11 hands (44") and weigh about 500 pounds. They are usually gray in color, although brown and black animals may be available on occasion. Jacks and jennies of all ages are made available for adoption.

How wild is a wild horse or burro?

When a wild horse or burro is offered for adoption it probably hasn't been more than 90 days since it was running in the wild. Therefore, they are not accustomed to people. With kindness and patience, they can be gentled and trained for many uses.

How many wild horses and burros are available for adoption?

Between 6,000 and 8,000 horses and 500 to 1,000 burros are offered for adoption each year. The number of burros offered for adoption is much lower because the population and habitat of the wild burro is smaller.

What does it cost to adopt a wild horse or burro?

The adoption fee for each wild horse is $125 and for each wild burro the fee is $75. There is no adoption fee for unweaned foals if they are adopted with their mother. Adopters are responsible for all costs following the adoption including recapture of escaped animals. Adoption fees are non-refundable.

If I adopt a wild horse or burro am I responsible for the gentling?

Yes. The adopter is responsible for gentling the wild horse or burro, although there are some exceptions. Canyon City, CO has a gentling program with a prison in Colorado where inmates are allowed to gentle wild horses and burros. Other states may offer gentling programs, but generally the adopter is responsible.

What does it cost to care for a wild horse or burro?

The annual cost of caring for a wild horse or burro can range from $300 to $1,000 or more depending on local costs and conditions. The adoption fee will be the smallest expense.

Where can I learn more about horses or burros?

There is a wealth of reading and viewing material on wild horses and burros. Libraries, book stores, video stores, tack stores, and feed stores have books pamphlets and videos for sale, rent or free for the asking. You can also read more about this subject on the web at the BLM's official website for the Adopt-A-Horse program: http://www.adoptahorse.blm.gov.

Where can I adopt a wild horse or burro?

Adoptions take place at locations across the United States. Some BLM locations, prison training program facilities, and BLM contract facilities have horses available year round. Adoptions also occur at satellite (temporary) adoption centers throughout the nation.

Have the animals received medical care?

Every wild horse and burro offered for adoption is examined by a veterinarian. Each animal receives all necessary medical treatment and is tested for disease, immunized, and wormed. A record of the animal's medical history is given to each adopter.

How many animals can I adopt?

A qualified person can adopt up to four wild horses or burros within a twelve month period. The BLM can approve the adoption of more than four animals if the adopter can prove they have the facilities and the financial ability to humanely care for all animals. However, an adopter may not receive title to more than four animals within a twelve month period.

How can I qualify to adopt a wild horse or burro?

You must be at least 18 years old, be a resident of the United States, and have no convictions for inhumane treatment of animals. You must also have, or have arranged for, adequate facilities and the financial means to provide for the number of animals adopted. An individual who has expressed an intent to commercially exploit the wild nature of a wild horse or burro may not adopt a wild horse or burro.

How can I adopt an animal?

Complete an application and mail it to the BLM office serving your area. If you wish to adopt at a different location, send your application, and a note explaining why, to the office serving that location. You will be contacted during the application review process. If your application is approved, you will be notified of upcoming adoptions. At the adoption you may have the opportunity to adopt at least one animal. If and when you adopt you will be required to sign a contract, agreeing to provide humane care and treatment for each animal you adopt.

Will the animal belong to me or the Federal Government?

A wild horse or burro belongs to the government until the BLM issues a title to an adopter. When the adopter signs an adoption contract he/she automatically applies for title to an animal. After one year, BLM will send the adopter a Title Eligibility Letter. The adopter must obtain a statement from a qualified person (such as a veterinarian, county extension agent, or humane society representative) verifying that the adopter has provided humane treatment. The adopter must return the Title Eligibility Letter and the humane treatment statement to BLM. BLM will then mail the title to the adopter. There are no additional fees involved in the title process.

What facilities are required for a wild horse or burro?

Newly adopted wild horses or burros must be kept in an enclosed corral with a minimum area of 400 square feet (20' by 20' or larger) per animal. This amount of space allows an animal to exercise.

  • Gentled animals must be exercised daily and should have a box stall of at least 144 square feet (12' by 12' or larger) that is well ventilated, drained, and frequently cleaned.
  • Fences must be at least 41/2 feet high for burros and 6 feet high for ungentled horses. Horses under 18 months of age may be kept in corrals with fences 5 feet high. Fences should be of pole, pipe, or plank construction and must not have dangerous protrusions. Barbed wire is not allowed in stalls or corrals.
  • Adopted wild horses and burros must be provided shelter where severe weather (heat, cold, rain, snow, or wind) occurs. Burros are much more susceptible to cold than horses.

What restrictions are there on using my adopted animal?

In general there are no Federal restrictions on how you use your adopted wild horse or burro, other than a wild horse or burro cannot be exploited for commercial purposes that take advantage of the wildness of the animal. After leaving the range all wild animals are protected by state livestock and humane treatment laws.

What should I bring to the adoption?

  • Cash, money order or certified check is required for payment of the adoption fees. Some adoption centers may accept VISA or Mastercard. Please check with the office conducting the adoption. Checks should be payable to: USDI-BLM.
  • A halter and lead rope for each animal. A double stitched nylon webbed halter is recommended. The lead rope should be about 8-20 feet long, made of cotton or nylon, and of sufficient strength to hold a 1,000 pound animal. The halter buckle should be of similar strength.

What kind of trailer is required to transport a wild horse or burro?

Adopters must provide transportation for their animal from the adoption site to the new home. Another person may transport the animal, but all trailers must meet these standards:

  • Covered top, sturdy walls/floors, and a smooth interior, free from any sharp protrusions
  • Ample head room
  • Partitions or compartments to separate animals by size and sex if necessary
  • Floor covered with non-skid material
  • Adequate ventilation

Stock trailers are preferred, but other trailers that meet the standards may be used. Drop ramp and two horse trailers are strongly discouraged; some adoption centers may refuse to load a horse into a trailer so equipped. All trucks and trailers may be inspected by BLM before loading. If you have questions about the suitability of a trailer call the BLM office before adoption day.

What should I feed my adopted wild horse or burro?

Good quality grass hay is adequate for a wild horse or burro. Horses and burros are very sensitive to abrupt changes to what and when they are fed. Additional information about feeding will be available at the adoption. Your veterinarian can also provide information on proper care and feeding.

What are some tips I should know before the adoption?

  • Allow plenty of time to view the animals before the selection process begins. Most adoptions draw names to determine order of selection.
  • Animals should not be transported longer than 24 hours without unloading for a food, water, and exercise break. Corrals used for rest breaks must meet the requirements discussed above.
  • If your journey crosses state lines, check with each state for requirements of brand inspection, health certificate, clearance documents, etc.

The BLM manages wild horses and burros on public rangelands as mandated by what act?

Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act of 1971.

How many Herd Management Areas (HMA) does the BLM manage?

The BLM manages wild horses on 17 Herd Management Areas (HMA) in southeast Oregon? Oregon's wild horse herd numbers increase annually by twenty percent on the average. And in 2007, the wild horse population in Oregon and Washington was estimated at 2,925 animals.


Do I qualify to graze livestock on public lands?

To graze livestock on public lands you must meet the following qualifications:

  • be a citizen of the U.S
  • be authorized to conduct business in the state where your livestock will graze
  • offer land or water that you own or control as base property
  • accept interest in and maintenance of existing range improvements on the allotment
  • have a satisfactory performance of grazing livestock on state and federal lands
  • be in good standing on the date the transfer application is submitted for the base properties you own and/or control. (Ref: 43 CFR 4110.1)

What is the current fee to graze livestock on land administered by BLM?

$1.35 per animal unit month (1999) Grazing fees are determined using the formula in the Grazing Regulations (43 CFR 4130.8-1). The fee is effective from March 1 through the end of the following February.

What is an animal unit month (AUM)?

For billing purposes, an AUM is defined as one month's use by one cow (bull, steer, etc), or five sheep, over six months of age when they enter the public lands. (43 CFR 4130.8-2(c)).

I am considering buying or leasing a ranch property. Where do I go to find out if there are available AUM's for a BLM permit to graze livestock on public lands during part of the year?

Before you purchase or lease the ranch property, go to the local BLM office in that area, with the legal land description of the property, and ask if there is "grazing preference" attached to the "base property." Grazing preference is defined as "a priority position against others for the purpose of receiving a grazing permit or lease." This priority is attached to the base property.

What is base property?

Base property is the land that you own or control. Within grazing districts (Section 3 of the Taylor Grazing Act {TGA}), the base property must be capable of serving as a base of operation for livestock use. Outside grazing districts (Section 15, TGA), the base property must be contiguous to the public land to be used for livestock grazing. "Grazing preference" is attached to base property (Ref: 43 CFR 4110.2-1).

If the base property is sold or leased, you have 90 days from the date of the sale or lease to file a transfer application with the BLM. This would transfer the grazing preference (AUMs available on public land) to the new owner or lessee of the base property (Ref. 43 CFR 4110.2-3(b)).

Can I put livestock that I do not own on my grazing permit or lease?

Generally, the registered brand of the livestock is in the name of the person, or group, on the permit or lease. If you wish to pasture livestock that do not have your brand, you must provide a copy of the agreement to the BLM, which gives you control of those livestock, and obtain approval prior to any grazing use. This document shall describe the livestock and livestock numbers, identify the owner of the livestock, and contain the terms for the care and management of the livestock and the duration of the agreement, and must be signed by all parties. In addition, the brand(s) on these livestock must be filed with the authorized officer. A surcharge shall be added to the grazing fee billings for authorized grazing of livestock owned by persons other than the permittee or lessee (Ref: 43 CFR 4130.7). See part (f) for livestock owned by sons and daughters.

How much is the surcharge to graze livestock that I do not own?

Surcharge rates are equal to 35 percent of the difference between the current year's private grazing land lease rate per animal unit month for the State as determined by the National Agricultural Statistics Service (Ref: 43 CFR 4130.8-2(d)). This is added to the grazing fee. Surcharges must be paid prior to grazing use.

Much of the BLM-administered rangelands are grazed by livestock under a system of permits and leases for which ranchers pay annually-adjusted grazing fees.

The BLM manages "treasured landscapes" as part of what system?

National Landscape Conservation System (NLCS)
Read more about the OR/WA rangelands program.



How do I get a firewood permit?

Firewood permits may be obtained by visiting a local District Office.

Those wishing to cut firewood must first sign a contract with the Bureau of Land Management and pay a fee. The BLM has a minimum price of $10.00 per cord and a 10% road use fee. The road fee is paid one time (i.e., 10 cords = $100.00 for wood and $10.00 road use). The contract is valid for a period determined by the issuing District Office. The contract must be kept with the contractor or the contractor's immediate family at all times when cutting or transporting fuelwood. The contract may not be transferred or used by others. The load tickets provided must be securely attached to the back of the load and must be clearly visible and validated by completely removing month and date of fuelwood removal.

What rules do I need to follow with a firewood permit?

The individual agrees that his use of roads, private property and any activities conducted under this contract is at his/her own risk. Any violation of the terms of this contract may result in termination of the contract and appropriate legal action including civil damages.

SECTION 3 of the contract "SPECIAL STIPULATIONS" states the following:

  2. DO NOT CUT trees or brush piles which have been reserved (SIGNED) for wildlife.
  3. DO NOT CUT CEDAR. Western red cedar, either standing dead or down, may not be cut and removed under the contract.
  4. DO NOT TRESPASS. Dead wood may be cut only from areas described in the "location of sale" portion of the contract. The contractor shall provide, and keep with this contract, a current land status map showing the location of the sale area. In addition, the contractor will be responsible for obtaining written permission for the use of private roads to gain access to public lands.
  5. DO NOT CUT OR DISTURB LOG CABINS OR WOODEN STRUCTURES. Even though these structures may be on public lands, they may be private property and warrant the same respect you would show your neighbor's house. These structures may also have historical value and are to be protected.
  6. RESPECT YOUR PUBLIC LANDS. Dead wood or bark not utilized shall be removed from ditches and road surfaces. Do not haul wood over wet or soft roads as this could cause severe damage to the road surface.
  7. PROTECT YOUR TIMBERED LANDS. You shall do all within your power to prevent forest fires. The following fire prevention requirements will be ENFORCED FROM APRIL 15 TO OCTOBER 15 IN EACH CALENDAR YEAR. THESE DATES MAY BE EXTENDED IN SEASONS OF EXTREME DROUGHT. NOTE: If the State of Washington should close state lands due to extreme fire danger, Federal lands will also be closed.

Can I smoke and/or build a fire while cutting wood?

The permittee shall be prohibited from smoking and shall not build any fires except on roads, cleared landings, gravel pits or any similar area cleared of flammable material. Each vehicle operating through forested areas must have an ashtray in each compartment.

What equipment do I need to cut fire wood?

  • FIRE EXTINGUISHER: Each power saw operator shall keep in his/her possession a pressurized chemical fire extinguisher of not less that 1 B.C. rating and 8 oz. capacity while operating the saw.
  • SHOVEL: Each power saw operator shall have a #1 (size 0) or larger, long or "D" handled, round point shovel with a sharpened, solid smooth blade and tight handle. The shovel will be kept within two (2) minutes round trip of the operator.
  • SPARK ARRESTER: Power saws must be equipped with a factory-designed mesh spark arrester, or a screen with a maximum 0.023 outlet, in serviceable condition.
  • Transporting Vehicle: The contractor's transporting vehicle must be equipped with a factory-designed muffler with baffles and a tailpipe in serviceable condition.

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