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Employee Benefits Security Administration

EBSA Federal Register Notice

Proposed Class Exemption for the Establishment, Investment and Maintenance of Certain Individual Retirement Plans Pursuant to an Automatic Rollover of a Mandatory Distribution [03/09/2004]

[PDF Version]

Volume 69, Number 46, Page 11043



Employee Benefits Security Administration

[Application No. D-11203]

Proposed Class Exemption for the Establishment, Investment and 
Maintenance of Certain Individual Retirement Plans Pursuant to an 
Automatic Rollover of a Mandatory Distribution

AGENCY: Employee Benefits Security Administration.

ACTION: Correction.


SUMMARY: In 69 FR, published at page 9846, on March 2, 2004, make the 
following corrections:
    1. On page 9849, in the second column in the 23rd line, delete ``29 
CFR 2550.401a-2'' and insert therein ``29 CFR 2550.404a-2.''
    2. On page 9851, in the third column in the 23rd line under section 
IV(e), delete ``liquality'' and insert therein ``liquidity.''

    Signed at Washington, DC, this 4th day of March, 2004.
Ivan L. Strasfeld,
Director, Office of Exemption Determinations, Employee Benefits 
Security Administration, U.S. Department of Labor.
[FR Doc. 04-5277 Filed 3-8-04; 8:45 am]