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Employee Benefits Security Administration

EBSA Federal Register Notice

Notice of Proposed Amendment to PTE 81-6 and Proposed Restatement and Redesignation of PTE 82-63; Correction [10/28/2003]

[PDF Version]

Volume 68, Number 208, Page 61468



Employee Benefits Security Administration

Notice of Proposed Amendment to PTE 81-6 and Proposed Restatement 
and Redesignation of PTE 82-63; Correction

AGENCY: Employee Benefits Security Administration, DOL.

ACTION: Correction.


SUMMARY: In notice document 03-26694 beginning on page 60715 in the 
issue of Thursday, October 23, 2003, make the following correction:
    On page 60721, in the third column, in the next to the last 
paragraph, the last sentence should read this provision is expected to 
require 1,393 hours and $42,000 annually.
    On page 60722, in the first column, the number for Total Responses 
was listed at 83,478. This number should be changed to 69,565.
    On the same page, in the first column, the number for Estimated 
Total Burden Hours was listed at 16,735. This number should be changed 
to 16,273.
    On the same page, in the first column, the number for Estimated 
Burden Cost was listed at $56,000. This number should be changed to 

    Dated: October 23, 2003.
Ivan L. Strasfeld,
Director, Office of Exemption Determinations.
[FR Doc. 03-27110 Filed 10-27-03; 8:45 am]