Computer Key Product Criteria

ENERGY STAR qualified computers use energy efficient power supplies, operate efficiently in multiple modes of operation (Off, Sleep, and Idle), take advantage of power management features, and provide user education about these features.  For a complete description of the specification, please go to Computer Version 6.1Program Requirements (PDF, 100 KB) (Effective September 10, 2014).  The tables below summarize these requirements.

Version 6.1 Energy Efficiency Requirements for Computers: Effective September 10, 2014
Desktop, Integrated Desktop, Notebook, Slate/tablets, and Portable All-in-ones

Typical energy consumption, ETEC, calculated in kilowatt hours per year  for a particular desktop, integrated desktop, or notebook computer is calculated by multiplying measured power draws in four different power modes  (off, sleep, long idle, and short idle) by assumed times spent in those modes.

ETEC = 8760/1000*{(power in off mode * typical percent of time a desktop, integrated desktop or notebook is in off mode during the year) + (power in sleep mode * typical percent time in sleep mode) + (power in long idle mode * typical percent time in long idle mode) + (power in short idle mode* typical percent time in short idle mode)}

Note: Tables 3 and 4 in the specification define percent times in different power modes based on network connectivity level of unit.

The maximum allowable typical energy consumption, ETEC_MAX, is defined as a combination of base typical energy consumption, TECBASE (which varies by graphics capability and performance) and power allowances for levels of power supply efficiency, discrete graphics, switchable graphics, Energy Efficiency Ethernet (EEE), storage, and integrated display.

ETEC_MAX = TECBASE + Allowances

For a qualified desktop, integrated desktop, or notebook this condition must be met: ETEC_MAX ≤ ETEC

Note: Tables 5, 6, and 7 in the specification define power levels for TECBASE and the various allowances.


Weighted power consumption in watts, PTEC, for workstations is calculated by multiplying measured power draws in four different power modes (off, sleep, long idle, and short idle) by assumed times spent in those modes.

PTEC = (power in off mode * typical percent of time workstation  is in off mode during the year) + (power in sleep mode * typical percent time in sleep mode) + (power in long idle mode * typical percent time in long idle mode) + (power in short idle mode* typical percent time in short idle mode)

The maximum allowable weighted power consumption, PTEC MAX, is based on an equation that accounts for maximum measured power draw, number of installed hard discs, and an allowance for Energy Efficient Ethernet port.

For a qualified workstation, this condition must be met: ETEC_MAX   ≤ ETEC

Note: See Table 8, Equation 4 and Equation 5 in the specification for more details.

Small-Scale Servers

The maximum measured off power  (watts)  allowed, P OFF_MAX , is:

  • ≤ 1.0 watt without Wake on LAN (WOL)
  • ≤ 1.4 watt with WOL

The maximum measured idle state power (watts)allowed,  P IDLE_MAX , is:

≤ 24 + (number of installed storage devices - 1) * 8 + 0.2 *(number energy efficient Gigabit Ethernet ports).

Note: See Table 9 and 10, Equations 6 and 7 in the specification for more details.

Thin Clients

Typical energy consumption, ETEC, calculated in kilowatt hours per year  for a thin client is calculated by multiplying measured power draws in four different power modes  (off, sleep, long idle, and short idle) by assumed percent times spent in those modes.

ETEC = 8760/1000*{(power in off mode * typical percent of time a thin client is in off mode during the year) + (power in sleep mode * typical percent time in sleep mode) + (power in long idle mode * typical percent  time in long idle mode) + (power in short idle mode* typical percent time in short idle mode)}

Note: Table 3 in the specification defines percent times in different power modes based on network connectivity level of unit.

The maximum allowable typical energy consumption, ETEC_MAX, is defined as a combination of base typical energy consumption, TECBASE, which is set at 60 kWh, and power allowances for discrete graphics, WOL, Energy Efficiency Ethernet, and integrated display.

ETEC_MAX = TECBASE + Allowances

For a qualified thin clients this condition must be met: ETEC_MAX  ≤ ETEC

Note: See Table 11 and Equation 8 in the specification for more details.

Version 6.1 Power Supply and Power Management Requirements for Computers: September 10, 2014
Efficient Power Supply Requirements

Internal power supplies: 85% minimum efficiency at 50% of rated output, 82% minimum efficiency at 20% and 100% of rated output, with Power Factor > 0.9 at 100% of rated output for power supplies with >= 75W output power

External power supplies: Level V performance requirements under the International Efficiency Marking Protocol. Additional information is available at

Power Management

Display Sleep Mode: within 15 minutes of user inactivity

System Sleep Mode: within 30 minutes of user inactivity*

Wake On LAN (WOL) and Wake Management features (for some systems)

*Does not apply to small scale servers.