American Latino Heritage Additional Resources

The Cultural Resources Stewardship, Partnerships, and Science Programs of the National Park Service provide leadership for the protection and interpretation of the nation's heritage, guide a national historic preservation program that embraces national parks and heritage resources, engage all American peoples with the places and stories that make up their national identity, and serve as models for the stewardship of cultural resources throughout the world. The magnitude of NPS stewardship responsibilities for the nation's heritage resources is inspiring. The cultural resources programs and responsibilities of the NPS reach into every park and virtually every community in the nation. Explore additional resources about all Americans' stories through our history portal and through the links below.

The Introduction to Latino Heritage article has more on the topic.

National Park Service American Latino Heritage brochure (English and Spanish; En ingles y espanol; .pdf 9mb): One of the goals of Interior Secretary Ken Salazar is to reconnect the American people to both the natural world and to our nation's rich historic and cultural heritage. In support of these interests, and as America's storyteller, the National Park Service is committed to identifying the brave heroes, diverse stories, and historic places that form the proud heritage of our nation.

Linking Hispanic Heritage Through Archeology: Linking Hispanic Heritage Through Archeology (LHHTA) is a spring and summer program for Hispanic youth ages 14-18 years old that uses regional archeology as a bridge to connect urban Hispanic youth and their families to their own cultural history. Through participation in an archeological dig and artifact analysis, along with visits to National Parks, local museums, and university archeology laboratories, students engage in the study of Southwest archeology from the pre-contact to the historical periods with emphasis on the Hispanic heritage of the Southwest

Hispanics and the Civil War: From the Battlefield to the Home front: For many Americans this conflict evokes images of the storied battlefields of North and South and of dramatic changes in the lives of Americans of African and Anglo descent. Lesser known is the story of the people of Spanish ancestry who participated in this epic conflict and of the many battles that took place in the West, in areas of large Hispanic populations and strong Spanish heritage.

Documentation of Forty Acres: The Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS) recently completed the photographic documentation of The Forty Acres, the National Historic Landmark (NHL) site closely associated with the life of Cesar Estrada Chavez.

A Report on the American Latino Heritage Initiative 2012 (.pdf | 20mb) One of the goals of Interior Secretary Ken Salazar is to reconnect the American people to both the natural world and to our nation's rich historic and cultural heritage.

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