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Analysis - Energy Sector Highlights Last updated: April 2016

  • Kenya currently does not produce any hydrocarbons, although the country has the potential to become an oil producer most likely after 2020. Over the past few years, several commercial oil discoveries have been made in Kenya, but the country faces obstacles that have caused production delays. Negotiations over a joint export pipeline route with its neighbor Uganda is in flux, while sustained low oil prices have slowed down exploration drilling activity in Kenya.
  • The United Kingdom-based Tullow is leading exploration activities in onshore northern Kenya, in partnership with the private equity-backed Delonex Energy, Denmark's Maersk Oil, and Canada's Africa Oil. Tullow has discovered more than 600 million barrels of recoverable oil resources in the South Lokichar basin, and Tullow has extended exploration activities to new areas such as the Kerio basin and the North Turkana basin.
  • In December 2015, Tullow submitted a draft Field Development Plan to Kenya's government to develop nine fields in the South Lokichar basin. Crude oil production from the South Lokichar basin is expected to range from 60,000 barrels per day (b/d) to 100,000 b/d.
  • Tullow is targeting a final investment decision by 2017, but this may be pushed back if an export pipeline route is not chosen. Kenya and Uganda had previously agreed in August 2015 to jointly build an export pipeline. The pipeline would carry crude oil from Uganda and Kenya, traveling initially from Uganda's oil-rich Albertine Graben area, through Kenya's South Lokichar basin, and to Kenya's currently undeveloped northern Lamu Port.
  • However, in October 2015, Uganda announced that it was in talks with Tanzania to potentially build a pipeline to Tanzania's coastal port city of Tanga. Tullow has expressed strong desire to resume the original route via Kenya. Paris-based Total, one of the lead investors in Uganda, has reportedly expressed security concerns over the Kenya pipeline route, which helped to prompt Uganda's pivot to Tanzania.

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