Endangered Species
Ecological Services

HCP Handbook | Toolbox

Chapter 1

50 CFR 13
50 CFR 17
50 CFR 222
63 FR 8859
65 FR 35241
Administrative Procedure Act
Balcones Canyonlands Conservation Plan
Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act
Clean Water Act
Coastal Zone Management Act
Endangered Species Act (ESA)
Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA)
FWS General Conservation Plans Policy Memo (October 5, 2007)
FWS National Conservation Training Center (NCTC)
H.R. Rep. No. 97-835 (October 13, 1982)
HCP Land Acquisition Grants program
HCP Planning Assistance Grants program
Karner blue butterfly HCP
Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act - Essential Fish Habitat
Marine Mammal Protection Act
Marine Sanctuaries Act
Migratory Bird Treaty Act
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA)
NOAA Administrative Order 218-8
Privacy Act
Secretarial Order 3206
Section 10 regulations
Section 4(d) of the ESA (42 FR 4656; 50 CFR 17.31(a))
Special Rule section 4(d) of the ESA (42 FR 4656; 50 CFR 17.31(a))
Washington County, Utah HCP


Chapter 2

ESA Regulations and Policies
FWS Native American Policy
FWS Service Manual 730 FW1
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA)


Chapter 3

40 CFR 1500
40 CFR 1501
40 CFR 1502
40 CFR 1505
40 CFR 1506
40 CFR 1507
40 CFR 1508
50 CFR 13
50 CFR 17
50 CFR 222
FWS Departmental Manual 516 DM 8
80 FR 26832 Final Rule on Incidental Take Statements Under Section 7
Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act
DOI National Environmental Policy Act Regulations
Endangered Species Act (ESA)
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)
Federal Water Pollution Control Act
Final Incidental Take Statement Rule (May 11, 2015)
FWS General Conservation Plan Policy Memo [10/2007]
FWS National Environmental Policy Act Policy & Guidance
Information, Planning, and Consultation System (IPaC)
Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA)
Natural Resource Damage Assessment and Restoration Act
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA)
Pima County Multi-Species Conservation Plan
Section 6 Grants


Chapter 4

Army Corps of Engineers Clean Water Act
Endangered Species Act (ESA)
Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA)
FWS Native American Policy
FWS Tribal Consultation Handbook
FWS Tribal Secretarial Order
General Services Administration's Committee Management Secretariat
Guidance to Federal Agencies on Compiling the Administrative Record, Department of Justice (January 1999)
National Park Service Special Use Permit
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
NOAA General Counsel Guidelines for Compiling an Agency Administrative Record
NOAA Procedures for Government-to-Government Consultation with Federally Recognized Indian Tribes and Alaska Native Corporations
Secretarial Order 3206 (June 5, 1997)
Standardized Guidance on Compiling a Decision File and an Administrative Record, DOI, June 2006
Tribal Consultation Policy


Chapter 5

CEQ's National Environmental Policy Act Regulations
Effects Pathway Management
Endangered Species Act
Information, Planning and Conservation System (IPaC)
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)


Chapter 6

Consultation Handbook for Procedures for Conducting Consultation and Conference Activities Under Section 7 of the ESA [920KB]
Data Management Plan
Data Management Planning Tool
Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) or ISO 19115 Metadata Standards
Interagency Policy Regarding the Recognition of Distinct Vertebrate Population Segments Under the ESA (61 FR 4722, February 7, 1996) [25KB]
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA)
USGS Data Management Plan Checklist


Chapter 7

Endangered Species Act
Geographic Information System (GIS)
Habitat Equivalency Analysis (HEA)
Lucid Chart
Mental Modeler
Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA)
MOU 19770718 Shared Jurisdiction of Sea Turtles
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
Population Viability Analysis (PVA)
Resource Equivalency Analysis (REA)
Interagency Policy Policy Regarding Implementation of Section 4(b)(2) of the ESA (81 FR 7226, February 11, 2016) Species Act [356KB]
Species Status Assessments (SSAs)


Chapter 8

50 CFR 13
50 CFR 17
50 CFR 222
Effect Pathway Manager (EPM)
Environmental Conservation Online System (ECOS)
Endangered Species Act (ESA)
Information for Planning and Conservation System (IPaC)
Section 7 50 CFR 402


Chapter 9

Climate-Smart Conservation: Putting Adaptation Principles into Practice (a guide co-sponsored by FWS and NOAA)
Compensatory Mitigation Rule for Clean Water Act section 404 permits (33 CFR 325, April 10, 2008)
Compensatory Mitigation Rule for Clean Water Act section 404 permits (33 CFR 332, April 10, 2008)
Compensatory Mitigation Rule for Clean Water Act section 404 permits (40 CFR 230, April 10, 2008)
Conservation Banking
DOI Climate Change Adaptation Policy (2012) 523 DM 1
DOI Climate Change Adaptation policy (2014)
DOI Policy 600 DM 6.7
FWS Climate Change Adaptation policy (2013) 056 FW 1
Groves et al. 2012 Incorporating climate change into systematic conservation planning. Biodiversity Conservation. 21: 1651-1671
Habitat Conservation Plan Assurances (No Surprises) Rule (63 FR 8859, February 23, 1998)
In-lieu Fee Mitigation
Meffe, G. K. and C. R. Carroll. 2006. Principles of Conservation Biology, 3rd Edition. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, MA.
National Wildlife Federation v Babbit, 2005
National Wildlife Federation v. Babbitt, 128 F.Supp.2d 1274
National Wildlife Federation v. Norton, 2005 WL2175874 (E.D. Cal., 2005)
National Wildlife Federation v. Norton, 306 F.Supp.2d 920 (E.D. Cal. 2004)
NMFS Endangered Species Act Climate Guidance (2016)
Noss et al. 1997. The Science of Conservation Planning: Habitat Conservation Under the Endangered Species Act. Island Press, Washington, D.C.
Primack, R.B. 2014. Essentials of Conservation Biology 6th edition. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, MA.
Resource Equivalency Analysis (REA)
Sierra Club v. Babbitt, 15 F.Supp.2d 1274 (S.D. Ala. 1998)
Sierra Club v. Norton, 207 F.Supp.2d 1310 (S.D. Ala. 2002)
Soule, M. E., and B. A. Wilcox, eds. 1980. Conservation Biology: An Ecological-Evolutionary Perspective. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, MA.
Soule, M. E., M. E. Gilpin, W. Conway, and T. Foose. 1986. The millennium ark. Zoo Biol., In press.
Stein, B.A., P. Glick, N. Edelson, and A. Staudt (eds.) 2014. Climate-Smart Conservation: Putting Adaptation Principles into Practice. National Wildlife Federation. Washington, DC
Strategic Habitat Conservation (SHC)
SWCBD v. Bartel, 470 F. Supp. 2d 1118 (S.D. Cal. 2006)
Union Neighbors United, Inc. v. Jewell, 2016 U.S. App. LEXIS 14377 (D.C. Cir. Aug. 5, 2016)
Writing Refuge Management Goals and Objectives: A Handbook


Chapter 10

A Road Map for Planning a Biological Monitoring Program
Climate-Smart Conservation: Putting Adaptation Principles into Practice (a guide co-sponsored by the FWS and NOAA)
Data Management Plan
Data Management Planning Tool
DOI Adaptive Management Applications Guide
DOI Adaptive Management Technical Guide
Designing Monitoring Programs in an Adaptive Management Context for Regional Multiple Species Conservation Plans (USGS)
Federal Data Repository
Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) or ISO 19115 metadata standards
Framework Management Plan
Guidance for Designing an Integrated Monitoring Program (NPS)
Informing Decisions in Changing Climate, National Research Council (2009)
National Wildlife Refuge System's Survey Protocol Handbook (2013)
Notice of Availability of a Final Addendum to the Handbook for Habitat Conservation Planning and Incidental Take Permitting Process (65 FR 35242, June 1, 2000)
San Diego Management and Monitoring Plan
The Open Standards for the Practice of
USGS Data Cycle Overview
USGS Data Management Plan Checklist
USGS ScienceBase


Chapter 11

40 CFR part 230 Clean Water Act section 404
50 CFR 13
50 CFR 17
50 CFR 222
Center for Natural Lands Management
CEQ's National Environmental Policy Act Regulations
East Contra Costa County Habitat Conservancy/HCP/NCCP
Long-term Stewardship Calculator (The Nature Conservancy)
Long-term Stewardship Calculator: Accompanying Handbook (The Nature Conservancy)
Miscellaneous Receipts Statute, 31 U.S.C. 3302(b)
National Environmental Policy Act Regulations
Natomas Basin HCP
Scodari, P. et. al. (2011). Implementing Financial Assurance for Mitigation Project Success. Institute for Water Resources and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Section 6 HCP Planning Assistance Grants


Chapter 12

50 CFR 13
50 CFR 17
50 CFR 222
Endangered Species Act (ESA)
General Conservation Plan Policy (October 5, 2007)
Habitat Equivalency Analysis
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA)
Resource Equivalency Analysis (REA)
Population Viability Analysis (PVA)
Section 10 Regulations (50 CFR 13, 17, 222)


Chapter 13

40 CFR 1500
40 CFR 1501
40 CFR 1502
40 CFR 1505
40 CFR 1506
40 CFR 1507
40 CFR 1508
DOI National Environmental Policy Act 43 CFR 46
DOI Tribal Consultation Policy
EO 11990
EO 11998 (revoked by EO 12110)
EO 12630
EO 12962
EO 13112
EO 13186
Endangered Species Act (ESA)
Plant Protection Act of 2000
FWS Departmental Manual 516 DM 8
FWS Native American Policy
FWS Tribal Consultation Handbook
NOAA Procedures for Government-to-Government Consultation With Federally Recognized Indian Tribes and Alaska Native Corporations
NOAA Series 216-6, Section 5.05
Secretarial Order 3206 (June 5, 1997)
Tribal Secretarial Order


Chapter 14

50 CFR
CEQ's National Environmental Policy Act Regulations
Environmental Conservation Online System (ECOS)
Endangered Species Consultation Handbook
E-NEPA Guide on Registration and Preparing an Environmental Impact Statement Electronic Sumbission
Incidental Take Permits Associated with a Habitat Conservation Plan Application
Federal Register Document Review Request Form 3-2198
GPO Style Manual
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
National Environmental Policy Act for National Wildlife Refuges Handbook
NMFS Protected Resources Intranet Writing Regulations
NOAA Delegation of Authority Dec. 12, 2005
Office of the Federal Register Document Drafting Handbook
PDM Federal Register Documents Open for Comment
PDM Website
Privacy Act
Core CDX Registration


Chapter 15

50 CFR 13
50 CFR 17
50 CFR 222
516 DM 4.18
550 FW 3
CEQ Regulations for Implementing the Procedural Requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act
DOI National Environmental Policy Act Implementing Procedures (43 CFR 46; 516 DM 1-3)
EPA Central Data Exchange
NOAA Environmental Review Procedures and NOAA Administrative Order Series 216-6 for NMFS
NOAA National Environmental Policy Act Procedures 216-6
Significant controversy (see 516 DM 2, for FWS)


Chapter 16

50 CFR 13
516 DM 2 significant controversy
50 CFR 17
50 CFR 222
Bald and Golden Eagle Act
Lacey Act
Migratory Bird Treaty Act
E-NEPA Guide on Registration and Preparing an Environmental Impact Statement for Electronic Submission
Union Neighbors United, Inc. v. Jewell, 2016 U.S. App. LEXIS 14377 (D.C. Cir. Aug. 5, 2016)


Chapter 17

50 CFR 13
50 CFR 17
50 CFR 222
Environmental Conservation Online System (ECOS)
FWS 730 FW1 Service Manual Permits Delegation.
FWS 730 FW1 Service Manual Permits Procedures
FWS application form 3-200-56
Incidental Take Permits Associated with a Habitat Conservation Plan Application
National Protocol for Addressing Take and Potential "Take" of Endangered Species through Habitat Modification (August 22, 2016)
National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA)
Tracking and Integrated Logging System (TAILS)


Appendix A

36 CFR 60
36 CFR 68
36 CFR 800.16 of the NHPA
54 U.S.C 470h-2(k)
FWS Manual, under Part 614
National Environmental Policy Act
National Historic Preservation Act


Appendix B

Environmental Protection Program (EPA)
EPA Endangered Species Program
Endangered Species Act (ESA)
Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act
Tracking and Integrated Logging System (TAILS)
National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA)


Appendix C

Endangered Species Act (ESA)
50 CFR 17.22(b)(1), 17.32(b)(1)
50 CFR 222



E-NEPA Guide on Registration and Preparing an Environmental Impact Statement for Electronic Submission


Laws, Regulations, Policy, and Guidance


Endangered Species Act (ESA)
Administrative Procedures Act (APA)
National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA)
Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA)
Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act (BGEPA)
Clean Water Act
Marine Sanctuaries Act
Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act - Essential Fish Habitat
Coastal Zone Management Act
Privacy Act
Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA)
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) - FWS
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) - NMFS

FWS General Conservation Plan Policy Memo (October 5, 2007)

50 CFR 10 Taking, Possession, Transportation, Sale, Purchase, Barter, Exportation, and Importation of Wildlife and Plants
50 CFR 13
50 CFR 17
50 17 CFR - A
50 17 CFR - B
50 17 CFR - C
50 17 CFR - D
50 17 CFR - E
50 17 CFR - F
50 17 CFR - G
50 17 CFR - H
50 17 CFR - I
50 CFR 18
50 CFR 21
50 CFR 22
50 CFR 222
50 CFR 13 - FWS General Permit Procedures
50 CFR 402 Consultation
Habitat Conservation Plan Assurances (No Surprises) Rule (63 FR 8859, February 23, 1998)


Last updated: December 8, 2016