An official website of the United States government.

Support Center for Regulatory Atmospheric Modeling (SCRAM)

Air Modeling - Guidance for Air Toxics Modeling

This section provides miscellaneous guidance documents other than permit modeling or State Implementation Plan (SIP) attainment demonstrations.  

Toxics Guidance

Guidance for Dispersion Modeling in Urban Areas
Guidance Documentation
Dispersion Modeling of Toxic Pollutants in Urban Areas and Appendices (PDF)(288 pp, 10 M, 1999) - EPA-454/R-99-021

Application Documentation
Example Application of Modeling Toxic Air Pollutants in Urban Areas (PDF)(111 pp, 5.6 M, 2002) - EPA-452/R-02-003

Also available from NTIS (PB# PB2002-108218). In preparing this document, it was necessary to revise and update the techniques described in Dispersion Modeling of Toxics Pollutants in Urban Areas (ZIP)(261 K) and incorporate techniques developed in A Simplified Approach for Estimating Secondary Production of Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPS) Using the OZIPR Model (PDF).(78 pp, 3 M, 1999)

Other Toxics Guidance