European Heritage Featured Places

The National Park Service cares for America's more than 400 national parks…and works in almost every one of her 3,141 counties. We are proud that tribes, local governments, nonprofit organizations, businesses, and individual citizens ask for our help in revitalizing their communities, preserving local history, celebrating local heritage, and creating close to home opportunities for kids and families to get outside, be active, and have fun. Find a few selected important places outside the parks here and explore the links for more. Then explore what you can do to share your own stories and the places that matter to you.

Baltimore National Heritage Area: Baltimore's Jewish heritage is the reason the famed Old Bay seasoning exists.Jews have resided in the area prior to the American Revolution and have regularly contributed to Baltimore's history.The mid-19th century saw large waves of Jewish immigrants with smaller groups continuing to arrive through the 1980s. There are roughly 95,000 Jews residing in the Baltimore area today.

Cane River National Heritage Area: Cane River was the intersection of the French and Spanish in what is now the United States and fostered the Creole tradition.This area also includes the oldest permanent settlement in the Louisiana Purchase, as well as seven National Historic Landmarks, three State Historic Sites, and many historic plantations.

Champlain Valley National Heritage Area: This National Heritage Area and the surrounding areas were once claimed by France, the Netherlands, and Great Britain.Numerous battles were fought here, including battles during the French and Indian War, the American Revolution, and the War of 1812.Following the American Civil War, Irish immigrants, French Canadians, Welch, and Italians all settled into the area, contributing to the growing diversity of culture.

The Places Reflecting America's Diverse Cultures travel itinerary will lead you to stories that come alive in the units of the National Park System.

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