Training and Technical Assistance

OVW Sponsored Conference Request and Report Form (273.64 KB)OVW Technical Assistance Program provides direct technical assistance to existing and potential grantees and sub grantees to enhance and support their efforts to successfully implement projects supported by OVW grant funds. In addition, OVW is focused on building the capacity of criminal justice and victim services organizations to respond effectively to sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking and fostering partnerships among organizations that have not traditionally worked together to address violence against women.

NON OVW Sponsored Events

If you are interested in requesting permission to invite OVW grantees to attend your event, please send an email request to for assisstance and additional information.

OVW website for Grantees and TA Providers. Please click here to access the latest information and updates:Training and Technical  Assistance

OVW hosted four grants management webinars for OVW grantees. These webinars provided an overview of grants financial management, grant fraud investigations, federal civil rights obligations, and using the grants management system (GMS) to manage your OVW award. Recordings of these webinars and the Powerpoint presentations are now available here. Training and Technical Assistance Webinars

Training | Technical Assistance | Conferences


In order to strengthen Federal grant management, OMB streamlined the Federal Government’s guidance on Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal awards by creating the Omni Circular. This guidance is effective for awards issued after December 26, 2014, and all recipients of awards in 2015 and on should be familiar with the new guidance. The following links present a webinar training on the new guidance and include topics such as the guidance background, effective dates, notable changes, cost principles, and audit requirements. The training is split into two parts, each about one hour in length. For questions regarding the content, award recipients are advised to reach out to the OVW Grants Financial Management Division at 888-514-8556 or via email at

Part 1:

Part 2:

Technical Assistance

OVW Technical Assistance Program provides direct technical assistance to existing and potential grantees and sub grantees to enhance and support their efforts to successfully implement projects supported by OVW grant funds. In addition, OVW is focused on building the capacity of criminal justice and victim services organizations to respond effectively to sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking and fostering partnerships among organizations that have not traditionally worked together to address violence against women.

OVW website for Grantees and TA Providers. Please click here to access the latest information and updates:Training and Technical  Assistance

OVW hosted four grants management webinars for OVW grantees. These webinars provided an overview of grants financial management, grant fraud investigations, federal civil rights obligations, and using the grants management system (GMS) to manage your OVW award. Recordings of these webinars and the Powerpoint presentations are now available here.Training and Technical Assistance Webinars

OVW Conference Reporting Requirements (PDF)

OVW Conference Request/Report Form Instructions (PDF)

OVW Sponsored Conference Request and Report Form (Excel)



Updated December 21, 2016