What We Do

USAID is the lead U.S. Government agency that works to end extreme global poverty and enable resilient, democratic societies to realize their potential.

In an interconnected world, instability anywhere around the world can impact us here at home. Working side-by-side with the military in active conflicts, USAID plays a critical role in our nation’s effort to  stabilize countries and build responsive local governance; we work on the same problems as our military using a different set of tools. We also ease the transition between conflict and long-term development by investing in agriculture, health systems and democratic institutions. And while USAID can work in active conflict, or help countries transition from violence, the most important thing we can do is prevent conflict in the first place. This is smarter, safer and less costly than sending in soldiers.

USAID extends help from the American  people to achieve results for the poorest  and most vulnerable around the world. That assistance does not represent a Democratic value or a Republican value, but an American value; as beneficiaries of peace and prosperity, Americans have a responsibility to assist those less fortunate so we see the day when our assistance is no longer necessary.

USAID invests in ideas that work to improve the lives of millions of  men, women and children by:

  • Investing in agricultural productivity  so countries can feed their people

  • Combating maternal and child  mortality and deadly diseases like  HIV, malaria and tuberculosis

  • Providing life-saving assistance in the  wake of disaster

  • Promoting democracy, human rights and good governance around  the world

  • Fostering private sector development  and sustainable economic growth

  • Helping communities adapt to a changing environment

  • Elevating the role of women and girls throughout all our work

Last updated: January 18, 2017

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