Youth financial education

We’re here to support the teachers, administrators, and community leaders who help students build financial knowledge, skills, and habits. The tools and resources listed here show recommended policies and practices for K–12 financial education.

Resources to bring financial education to the classroom

We support K–12 teachers, education leaders, and practitioners by providing information, tools, and resources that lead to more effective design and delivery of financial education. We believe that integrating financial education throughout the K–12 experience represents a promising opportunity to reach consumers at pivotal points in their development and financial lives.

Personal finance teaching tool

Identify teaching techniques and learning strategies to address the three building blocks that influence the development of lifelong personal finance decision-making skills.

Curriculum review tool

Our Curriculum Review Tool helps you review and compare financial education curricula across four key dimensions, so you can select the most promising ones for your classroom.

Resources to advance youth financial education in the community

We support community leaders by fostering connections among the financial education community and by providing tools, information, and insights to enhance K–12 financial education initiatives.

Building blocks to help youth achieve financial capability

The report presents a new evidence-based developmental model for supporting financial capability and provides strategies for supporting its development from early childhood through adolescence.

Expanding K–12 financial education

Working to expand youth financial education? Make the most of your time and resources with the guiding questions, case studies, and directory in this resource guide.