Science and Technology Theme Study

What are National Historic Landmark theme studies?

National Historic Landmarks are often identified through theme studies.Theme studies are an effective way of identifying and nominating properties because they provide a comparative analysis of properties associated with a specific area of American history, such as the fur trade, earliest Americans, women's history, Greek Revival architecture, Man in Space, or labor history. Theme studies provide a national historic context for specific topics in American history or prehistory. In order to make the case for national significance, a theme study must provide that necessary national historic context so that national significance may be judged for a number of related properties.

Theme studies related to the theme 'Science and Technology':

American Aviation Heritage: This national historic context judges the relative significance of people, places, and events that may be nationally significant in aviation history. The chapters provide a chronological approach to aviation history covering aviation's pioneering years, civil aviation, military aviation, and aeronautical technology. Identified properties fall within three categories: those already recognized as nationally significant, those recommended for further study, and those removed from further study.

Man in Space National Historic Landmark Theme Study. This study considers resources relating to the following general subthemes: Technical Foundations before 1958; the Effort to Land a Man on the Moon; the Exploration of the Planets and Solar System;and the Role of Scientific and Communications Satellites.

Astronomy and Astrophysics National Historic Landmark Theme Study: This study identifies sites, structures, buildings and objects significant in the history of the sciences of astronomy and astrophysics in the United States.

Geology: This theme study primarily focuses on the identification of sites in the areas of physical geology, historical geology and economic geology and secondarily in the identification of sites in the areas of planetary geology, exploration, scientific, and topographical surveys.

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