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Oregon / Washington

Maps and Data

Inside Passage Articles

Welcome to the Maps and Data page. We hope you will take the time to explore it. The page contains links to maps, Cadastral Survey, and Land Records. We provide leadership, management, and technical direction for the development and implementation of the BLM Oregon and Washington�s surveying, mapping, aerial photography, geodesy, resource grade global positioning system (GPS) activities.

If you can't find what you're looking for on this site, feel free to contact us at 503-808-6132, or via e-mail.

Oregon Washington Data Viewer

BLM Logo

How do I know if I am on BLM land? May I enter township/range to find a location? How do I see some of the data that BLM has available for download? These questions and more, are answered with Oregon and Washington BLM's Data Viewer. Find details about BLM-managed lands and print a custom map for you needs.


The Bureau of Land Management's Oregon/Washington (OR/WA) Data Library contains the spatial data of the Oregon and Washington BLM. The Data Library allows the user to obtain datasets and metadata via download. Please note that the available data in the link below does not represent the BLM's entire OR/WA Data Library.


The Cartography Team is part of Mapping Sciences in Oregon/Washington BLM, which also includes remote sensing, and photogrammetry. Mapping Sciences is responsible for cartographic policy and standards, acquisition of base data images, aerial photography and remote sensing, and photogrammetry, and offset printing of maps in support of land management, recreation, engineering, and law enforcement within the BLM in Oregon and Washington.

The role of the Cartography Team in Oregon/Washington is to provide all pre-press map production, to coordinate with Districts and NSTC to update and print 100K and Surface Management Responsibility maps, to coordinate with Districts and the Forest Service to update and print the Pacific Northwest Recreation Map Series, to coordinate map standards and production between Districts, and to provide map design and production assistance to the Districts and State Office.

Remote Sensing

Remote Sensing is the science of observing and measuring from remote locations. The most common form that we see in BLM is aerial photography, but there are numerous sensors available to provide us with the information we need about a site. LiDAR is one of the most active programs today.

BLM currently acquires imagery in several forms - printed stereo photography or digital imagery in natural color or color infrared. Cameras mounted on airplanes or our own balloon capture aerial views of the lands we manage. Satellites provide broader views of the landscape.

BLM coordinates with other Federal Agencies, along with State Government and local private or government groups to acquire various imagery products of large areas.

Land Records

One of the most important services the BLM provides is as caretaker of the nation's land survey and mineral information records. These records originate with the founding of the nation. Congress created the General Land Office (GLO) in 1812 to handle the increasing land business from the rapid westward expansion. The GLO was given the responsibility for maintaining the land and mineral records.

Since 1946 these and other federal land and mineral records have been maintained by the BLM in a growing serialized casefile system, which today nationwide contains more than two billion documents. Many of these serialized cases have been abstracted and made available on-line through the Bureau of Land Management Lands and Mineral Records-LR2000 database at www.blm.gov/lr2000. The database contains mining claim data and information about federal current and historical leases, permits, land and mineral acquisitions, sales and exchanges, grants, withdrawals and more.

BLM also has continued to maintain the official Land Status and Cadastral Survey records since the GLO days. These records are comprised of the Master Title Plats, Historical Index pages, Cadastral Plats and Survey Notes organized by state, township and range.

Cadastral Survey

The Cadastral Survey Section's main mission is conducting land surveys for the various federal government agencies throughout Oregon and Washington. Recent surveys include portions of various Native American Reservations, as well as U.S. Forest Service, National Park Service, Dept. of Energy, and BLM lands in the two states. The section also coordinates with the cadastral surveyors working out of the various BLM district offices, giving technical support and conducting final reviews of survey plats and field notes.