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VT Registered Apprenticeship is an employer-sponsored training program that includes both supervised work experience and related instruction. There are nearly 700 active apprentices in Vermont in over 25 different occupations.

Employers participate in Registered Apprenticeship by “sponsoring” individuals as apprentices. The employer sets a progressive wage scale, agrees to provide supervised OJT, and helps financially support the related instruction component of the program.

Related instruction in apprenticeship can be delivered in a variety of formats. In plumbing and electrical, most apprentices attend classes through Vermont Technical College at a number of sites around the state. In other occupations, students may attend classes delivered by the company. Union sponsors provide related instruction through classes at union training centers.

If you are employed and wish to become an apprentice, your employer should contact the Apprenticeship office in Montpelier at 828-5250. An Apprenticeship Field Representative will be asked to make an on-site visit to help develop the program. If you are not employed, you can find an employer sponsor in a variety of ways. You can apply directly to employers who employ workers in the field in which you are interested. For example, if you are looking for a plumbing apprenticeship, you could apply for work at any of the local plumbing companies. You may also check for apprenticeship opportunities through VT Job Link.  This web site also contains a list of apprenticeship sponsors.

If you are interested in taking electrical or plumbing classes, please feel free to contact Judy Bourbeau at 802-828-5250. Classes begin in September each year and are generally held in Barre, Hartford, Rutland, Springfield and Essex Junction. Selected classes are also offered in Newport and in St. Johnsbury, depending upon need. In addition, classes are now offered via Vermont Interactive Television in many communities around the state.

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