Country Strategies (CDCS)

Women in Government Internship Program is launched in Afghanistan.
Women in Government Internship Program is launched in Afghanistan.

One size does not fit all when it comes to aid. Working together, U.S. government agencies can provide humanitarian aid and crisis assistance more effectively.

This is why USAID Missions are required to develop and use Country Development Cooperation Strategies, also known as CDCS. These five-year, country-based strategies show how Agency assistance is synchronized with other agencies' efforts (see the official CDCS Guidance ).

CDCSs incorporate:

  • Presidential Initiatives
  • U.S. government policies and strategies
  • USAID policies and strategies

Once approved, the CDCS informs assistance planning, budgeting, and resource allocation.  The CDCS relies on thorough analysis and division of labor to set and achieve ambitious goals and objectives in close collaboration with host governments and citizens.

The following CDCSs have already been approved:

  • Central Africa Regional Program for the Environment (CARPE) 2012-2020
  • Zambia Country Development Cooperation Strategy 2011-2015
  • South Sudan Transition Strategy 2011-2013
  • Southern Africa Regional Development Cooperation Strategy 2011-2016
  • Uganda Country Development Cooperation Strategy 2011-2015
  • Ethiopia Country Development Strategy 2011-2015
  • Bangladesh Country Development Cooperation Strategy 2011-2016
  • Albania Country Development Cooperation Strategy 2011-2015
  • Bosnia Country Development Cooperation Strategy 2012-2016
  • Guatemala Country Development Cooperation Strategy 2012-2016
  • Senegal Country Development Cooperation Strategy 2012-2016
  • Sri Lanka Country Development Cooperation Strategy 2011-2013
  • Azerbaijan Country Development Cooperation Strategy 2011-2016
  • Peru Country Development Cooperation Strategy 2012-2016
  • Georgia Country Development Cooperation Strategy 2013-2017

Currently, 73 USAID Missions are scheduled to complete a CDCS by October 2013.

Last updated: December 19, 2012

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