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Project WorkSAFE


workplace-safety-is-priorityProject WorkSAFE seeks to work with the employer to maintain safe working standards. Employers invite section staff to inspect their facilities, list a summary of hazards, and provide assistance in hazard correction. The employer avoids any citations or penalties, but is required to correct all hazards discovered during the inspection. These services are free and confidential.

  • Do you have a small business with a high rate of injuries?
  • Do you have trouble complying with OSHA regulations?
  • Do you find it difficult to identify worksite hazards or interpret federal/state safety and health standards?
  • Do you want to change the way your employees think and act when it comes to health and safety on the job?
  • Are you concerned that your business cannot afford a professional health and safety consultant?


If you are a small Vermont business, there are FREE and confidential services available to you — anything from a phone consult to a full health and safety evaluation at your worksite. Just call the Department of Labor.

We give FREE, NO-PENALTY consultations.

At your request, we will go with you on a tour of your facility, point out problem areas, and help you identify solutions. Our services include safety audits, program development and evaluation, chemical exposure assessments, and noise monitoring.

You can protect your employees.

Learning more about workplace hazards and how to prevent them can help you protect your workers from injury and illness. It may even prevent loss of life at your worksite.

It’s good for business.

Effective workplace safety and health practices are good business. The cost of an accident or lost work time can far exceed the cost of prevention.

Email Consultation

You can also get confidential answers to your questions about occupational safety and health compliance easily and efficiently by email. Just fill out this online question form.

For more information on Project WorkSAFE call the Vermont Department of Labor-Safety and Health Consultation at 1-888-SAFE-YES (1-888-723-3937)

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Contact Us

Curtis, Leslie
Administrative Assistant
Duty Station: Montpelier
Work Phone: 828-5076
Hunter, Hazel
Occupational Safety & Health Consultant
Duty Station: Southern Vermont
Work Phone: 793-2532
Barth, Shawn
Occupational Safety Consultant
Duty Station: Hyde Park
Work Phone: 793-5072
Jones, Philip
Chief Industrial Hygiene Engineer
Duty Station: Central Northern Vermont
Work Phone: 279-8643
McCarthy, Luke
Occupational Safety Consultant
Duty Station: Central Northern Vermont
Work Phone: 595-2521
Meyer, Scott
Program Manager
Duty Station: Hyde Park
Work Phone: 888-0620