Table 4.11. Fuel-Switching Capacity of Operable Generators Reporting Natural Gas as the Primary Fuel, by Producer Type, 2015
(Megawatts, Percent)

  Fuel-Switchable Part of Total
Producer Type Total Net Summer Capacity of All Generators Reporting Natural Gas as the Primary Fuel
Net Summer Capacity of Natural Gas-Fired Generators Reporting the Ability to Switch to Petroleum Liquids
Fuel Switchable Capacity as Percent of Total Maximum Achievable Net Summer Capacity Using Petroleum Liquids Fuel Switchable Net Summer Capacity Reported to Have No Factors that Limit the Ability to Switch to Petroleum Liquids
Electric Utilities 223,215.6 80,780.1 36.2% 80,075.4 17,654.9
Independent Power Producers, Non-Combined Heat and Power Plants 172,519.2 45,114.1 26.2% 40,976.9 8,061.8
Independent Power Producers, Combined Heat and Power Plants 27,284.1 5,067.7 18.6% 4,896.2 389.4
Electric Power Sector Subtotal 423,018.9 130,961.9 31.0% 125,948.5 26,106.1
Commercial Sector 1,932.5 866.1 44.8% 824.9 95.8
Industrial Sector 14,474.0 951.6 6.6% 929.4 142.3
All Sectors 439,425.4 132,779.6 30.2% 127,702.8 26,344.2

Notes: Petroleum liquids include distillate fuel oil (all diesel and No. 1, No. 2, and No. 4 fuel oils), residual fuel oil (No. 5 and No. 6 fuel oils and bunker C fuel oil), jet fuel, kerosene, waste oil, and propane.
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-860, 'Annual Electric Generator Report.'