Table 3.3.B. Net Generation from Renewable Sources: Independent Power Producers, 2005 - 2015
(Thousand Megawatthours)

  Generation at Utility Scale Facilities Distributed Generation Net Generation From Utility Scale Facilities and Distributed Generation
Period Wind Solar
Wood and
Solid Waste
Other Waste Biomass Geothermal Conventional
Total Renewable Generation at Utility Scale Facilities Estimated Distributed Solar Photovoltaic Generation Estimated Total Solar Photovoltaic Generation Estimated Total Solar Generation
Annual Totals
2005 16,764 0 535 8,741 4,308 7,092 701 13,566 21,486 73,195 N/A N/A N/A
2006 24,238 0 493 8,404 4,771 7,259 774 13,406 24,390 83,736 N/A N/A N/A
2007 30,089 6 595 8,486 5,177 7,061 839 13,498 19,109 84,860 N/A N/A N/A
2008 48,464 60 787 8,750 6,057 6,975 1,040 13,643 23,451 109,226 N/A N/A N/A
2009 63,538 129 734 8,990 6,718 6,829 1,095 13,826 24,308 126,168 N/A N/A N/A
2010 81,547 316 789 9,118 7,227 6,742 1,116 14,101 22,351 143,306 N/A N/A N/A
2011 102,981 734 777 8,709 7,120 6,217 1,237 14,180 26,117 168,071 N/A N/A N/A
2012 117,822 2,737 787 9,214 7,852 6,056 1,176 14,419 20,923 180,987 N/A N/A N/A
2013 141,306 6,969 813 9,768 8,442 5,838 1,139 14,770 22,018 211,063 N/A N/A N/A
2014 153,825 13,769 2,317 11,977 9,062 5,838 1,261 14,761 19,861 232,670 0 13,769 16,086
2015 160,135 19,841 3,121 11,545 9,202 5,806 1,342 14,829 17,996 243,816 0 19,841 22,962
Year 2013
January 12,197 262 7 826 691 479 90 1,283 1,938 17,775 N/A N/A N/A
February 11,774 336 38 717 622 419 86 1,148 1,736 16,875 N/A N/A N/A
March 13,374 468 63 797 728 493 102 1,284 1,878 19,188 N/A N/A N/A
April 14,786 487 86 673 676 460 95 1,201 2,189 20,652 N/A N/A N/A
May 13,848 552 91 743 733 500 87 1,241 2,194 19,989 N/A N/A N/A
June 11,796 638 108 799 705 502 77 1,185 2,365 18,176 N/A N/A N/A
July 9,386 638 73 859 723 519 84 1,241 2,224 15,746 N/A N/A N/A
August 8,173 725 88 949 741 507 92 1,231 1,525 14,030 N/A N/A N/A
September 9,636 752 67 845 700 478 89 1,207 1,297 15,070 N/A N/A N/A
October 11,521 746 103 781 678 489 99 1,278 1,339 17,035 N/A N/A N/A
November 13,183 671 47 857 710 483 118 1,206 1,494 18,769 N/A N/A N/A
December 11,631 696 42 921 734 509 120 1,266 1,839 17,758 N/A N/A N/A
Year 2014
January 15,104 631 50 993 775 466 132 1,257 1,837 21,244 0 631 681
February 11,744 678 75 898 753 406 116 1,122 1,316 17,108 0 678 753
March 14,921 1,024 171 1,007 780 498 123 1,240 1,715 21,480 0 1,024 1,196
April 15,729 1,140 214 865 780 469 98 1,225 2,332 22,853 0 1,140 1,355
May 13,369 1,317 279 818 770 512 113 1,235 2,477 20,891 0 1,317 1,596
June 13,641 1,420 335 1,062 761 493 117 1,201 1,850 20,880 0 1,420 1,755
July 10,416 1,366 251 1,103 835 515 88 1,227 1,641 17,442 0 1,366 1,618
August 8,782 1,460 249 1,076 794 519 88 1,236 1,458 15,661 0 1,460 1,709
September 9,704 1,423 247 1,025 750 483 89 1,217 1,091 16,028 0 1,423 1,670
October 12,154 1,339 217 974 681 487 98 1,248 1,200 18,398 0 1,339 1,556
November 15,835 1,118 142 1,080 664 495 97 1,269 1,155 21,856 0 1,118 1,260
December 12,425 852 87 1,077 720 495 101 1,284 1,787 18,827 0 852 939
Year 2015
January 12,520 1,007 59 1,023 713 478 96 1,267 1,491 18,653 0 1,007 1,066
February 12,471 1,211 161 983 641 412 101 1,177 1,104 18,261 0 1,211 1,372
March 12,615 1,634 277 993 737 437 99 1,303 1,625 19,721 0 1,634 1,911
April 15,040 1,831 362 876 742 452 84 1,198 2,175 22,760 0 1,831 2,193
May 14,541 1,971 329 866 778 483 95 1,296 1,515 21,874 0 1,971 2,300
June 11,572 1,995 364 980 758 483 114 1,209 1,867 19,343 0 1,995 2,359
July 11,699 2,062 362 1,044 847 530 129 1,263 1,892 19,828 0 2,062 2,425
August 11,069 2,103 377 1,085 801 525 124 1,252 1,216 18,553 0 2,103 2,481
September 11,642 1,746 301 961 758 479 116 1,118 954 18,076 0 1,746 2,047
October 13,541 1,558 204 826 764 501 123 1,226 1,135 19,878 0 1,558 1,762
November 16,447 1,398 201 914 816 499 129 1,240 1,301 22,945 0 1,398 1,599
December 16,976 1,324 124 995 847 525 131 1,280 1,721 23,922 0 1,324 1,448

Wood and Wood-derived fuels include wood/wood waste solids (including paper pellets, railroad ties, utility poles, wood chips, bark, and wood waste solids), wood waste liquids (red liquor, sludge wood, spent sulfite liquor, and other wood-based liquids), and black liquor.
Other Waste Biomass includes sludge waste, agricultural byproducts, other biomass solids, other biomass liquids, and other biomass gases (including digester gases, methane, and other biomass gases).
Notes: Beginning with 2001 data, non-biogenic municipal solid waste and tire-derived fuels are reclassified as non-renewable energy sources and included in Other. Biogenic municipal solid waste is included in Other Renewable Sources.
See Glossary for definitions. Values are final. See Technical Notes for a discussion of the sample design for the Form EIA-923 and predecessor forms.
Totals may not equal sum of components because of independent rounding. NM=Not meaningful due to large standard error. W=Withheld to avoid disclosure of individual company data.
Sources: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-923, Power Plant Operations Report; U.S. Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-906, Power Plant Report; U.S. Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-920 Combined Heat and Power Plant Report; and predecessor forms.
Beginning with 2008 data, the Form EIA-923, Power Plant Operations Report, replaced the following: Form EIA-906, Power Plant Report; Form EIA-920, Combined Heat and Power Plant Report; Form EIA-423, Monthly Cost and Quality of Fuels for Electric Plants Report; and Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, FERC Form 423, Monthly Report of Cost and Quality of Fuels for Electric Plants.
Estimated distributed solar photovoltaic generation and distributed solar photovoltaic capacity are based on data from Form EIA-826, Form EIA-861 and from estimation methods described in the technical notes.