Table 2.2. Sales and Direct Use of Electricity to Ultimate Customers
by Sector, by Provider, 2005 through 2015 (Megawatthours)

Year Residential Commercial Industrial Transportation Total Direct Use Total End Use
Total Electric Industry
2005 1,359,227,107 1,275,079,020 1,019,156,065 7,506,321 3,660,968,513 150,015,531 3,810,984,044
2006 1,351,520,036 1,299,743,695 1,011,297,566 7,357,543 3,669,918,840 146,926,612 3,816,845,452
2007 1,392,240,996 1,336,315,196 1,027,831,925 8,172,595 3,764,560,712 125,670,185 3,890,230,897
2008 1,380,661,745 1,336,133,485 1,009,516,178 7,653,211 3,733,964,619 132,196,685 3,866,161,304
2009 1,364,758,153 1,306,852,524 917,416,468 7,767,989 3,596,795,134 126,937,958 3,723,733,092
2010 1,445,708,403 1,330,199,364 971,221,189 7,712,412 3,754,841,368 131,910,249 3,886,751,617
2011 1,422,801,093 1,328,057,439 991,315,564 7,672,084 3,749,846,180 132,754,037 3,882,600,217
2012 1,374,514,708 1,327,101,196 985,713,854 7,320,028 3,694,649,786 137,656,510 3,832,306,296
2013 1,394,812,129 1,337,078,777 985,351,874 7,625,041 3,724,867,821 143,461,937 3,868,329,758
2014 1,407,208,311 1,352,158,263 997,576,138 7,757,555 3,764,700,267 138,573,884 3,903,274,151
2015 1,404,096,499 1,360,751,527 986,507,732 7,636,632 3,758,992,390 141,167,519 3,900,159,909
Full-Service Providers
2005 1,339,568,275 1,151,327,861 929,675,932 3,341,814 3,423,913,882 N/A 3,423,913,882
2006 1,337,837,993 1,170,661,399 939,194,648 3,040,062 3,450,734,102 N/A 3,450,734,102
2007 1,375,450,126 1,180,789,042 923,148,031 2,635,498 3,482,022,697 N/A 3,482,022,697
2008 1,363,664,159 1,173,581,515 909,792,014 2,540,452 3,449,578,140 N/A 3,449,578,140
2009 1,345,314,362 1,143,473,246 811,314,045 2,464,259 3,302,565,912 N/A 3,302,565,912
2010 1,409,355,244 1,123,328,313 840,439,791 2,440,567 3,375,563,915 N/A 3,375,563,915
2011 1,368,453,770 1,090,292,969 822,404,124 1,730,820 3,282,881,683 N/A 3,282,881,683
2012 1,297,818,441 1,073,346,766 807,805,140 1,389,340 3,180,359,687 N/A 3,180,359,687
2013 1,291,368,071 1,074,915,884 797,769,849 1,603,318 3,165,657,122 N/A 3,165,657,122
2014 1,301,458,851 1,083,806,639 814,206,541 1,787,408 3,201,259,439 N/A 3,201,259,439
2015 1,307,918,081 1,089,268,864 805,111,979 1,749,450 3,204,048,374 N/A 3,204,048,374
Energy-Only Providers
2005 19,658,832 123,751,159 89,480,133 4,164,507 237,054,631 N/A 237,054,631
2006 13,682,043 129,082,296 72,102,918 4,317,481 219,184,738 N/A 219,184,738
2007 16,790,870 155,526,154 104,683,894 5,537,097 282,538,015 N/A 282,538,015
2008 16,997,586 162,551,970 99,724,164 5,112,759 284,386,479 N/A 284,386,479
2009 19,443,791 163,379,278 106,102,423 5,303,730 294,229,222 N/A 294,229,222
2010 36,353,159 206,871,051 130,781,398 5,271,845 379,277,453 N/A 379,277,453
2011 54,347,323 237,764,470 168,911,440 5,941,264 466,964,497 N/A 466,964,497
2012 76,696,267 253,754,430 177,908,714 5,930,688 514,290,099 N/A 514,290,099
2013 103,444,058 262,162,893 187,582,025 6,021,723 559,210,699 N/A 559,210,699
2014 105,749,460 268,351,624 183,369,597 5,970,147 563,440,828 N/A 563,440,828
2015 96,178,418 271,482,663 181,395,753 5,887,182 554,944,016 N/A 554,944,016

N/A = Not Available.
Direct Use represents commercial and industrial facility use of onsite net electricity generation; and electricity sales or transfers to adjacent or co-located facilities for which revenue information is not available.
Pursuant to applicable Texas statutes establishing competitive electricity markets within the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT), all customers served by Retail Energy Providers must be provided bundled energy and delivery services, so they are included under "Full-Service Providers".
Full-Service Providers sell bundled electricity services (e.g., both energy and delivery) to end users. Full-Service Providers may purchase electricity from others (such as Independent Power Producers or other Full-Service Providers) prior to delivery. Direct sales from independent facility generators to end use consumers are reported under Full-Service Providers. Energy-Only Providers sell energy to end use customers; incumbent utility distribution firms provide Delivery-Only Services for these customers.
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-861, "Annual Electric Power Industry Report.", Form EIA-861S, "Annual Electric Power Industry Report (Short Form)" and Form EIA-923, "Power Plant Operations Report"