Table 1.3. Supply and Disposition of Electricity, 2005 through 2015
(From Chapter 3.) Supply (Thousand Megawatthours)


Year Electric Utilities IPP (Non-CHP) IPP (CHP) Commercial Sector Industrial Sector Total Imports Total Supply
2005 2,474,846 1,246,971 180,375 8,492 144,739 43,929 4,099,352
2006 2,483,656 1,259,062 165,359 8,371 148,254 42,691 4,107,394
2007 2,504,131 1,323,856 177,356 8,273 143,128 51,396 4,208,140
2008 2,475,367 1,332,068 166,915 7,926 137,113 57,019 4,176,407
2009 2,372,776 1,277,916 159,146 8,165 132,329 52,191 4,002,522
2010 2,471,632 1,338,712 162,042 8,592 144,082 45,083 4,170,143
2011 2,460,851 1,331,303 156,032 10,080 141,875 52,300 4,152,441
2012 2,339,172 1,386,991 164,194 11,301 146,107 59,257 4,107,022
2013 2,388,058 1,368,038 147,619 12,234 150,015 68,947 4,134,911
2014 2,382,473 1,404,324 150,205 12,520 144,083 66,510 4,160,116
2015 2,315,323 1,448,799 155,173 12,595 145,712 75,770 4,153,371

(From Chapter 2.) Disposition (Thousand Megawatthours)

  Retail Sales

Year Full-Service Providers Energy-Only Providers Facility Direct Direct Use Total Exports Losses and Unaccounted For Total Disposition
2005 3,412,721 237,055 11,193 150,016 19,151 269,217 4,099,352
2006 3,438,337 219,185 12,397 146,927 24,271 266,277 4,107,394
2007 3,468,018 282,538 14,004 125,670 20,144 297,766 4,208,140
2008 3,436,011 284,386 13,567 132,197 24,198 286,048 4,176,407
2009 3,289,877 294,229 12,689 126,938 18,138 260,650 4,002,522
2010 3,365,338 379,277 10,226 131,910 19,106 264,285 4,170,143
2011 3,272,622 466,964 10,259 132,754 15,049 254,792 4,152,441
2012 3,172,096 514,290 8,263 137,657 11,996 262,720 4,107,022
2013 3,147,192 559,211 18,465 143,462 11,373 255,208 4,134,911
2014 3,184,841 563,441 16,418 138,574 13,298 243,544 4,160,116
2015 3,191,425 554,944 12,624 141,168 9,100 244,112 4,153,371

N/A = Not Available.
Facility Direct Retail Sales typically represent bilateral electric power sales between industrial and commercial generating facilities.
Direct Use represents commercial and industrial facility use of onsite net electricity generation; electricity sales or transfers to adjacent or co-located facilities; and barter transactions. Losses and Unaccounted For includes: (1) reporting by utilities and power marketers that represent losses incurred in transmission and distribution, as well as volumes unaccounted for in their own energy balance; and (2) discrepancies among the differing categories upon balancing the table.
Totals may not equal sum of components because of independent rounding.
Sources: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-923, "Power Plant Operations Report" and predecessor form(s) including U.S. Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-906, "Power Plant Report;" and Form EIA-920, "Combined Heat and Power Plant Report;" Form EIA-861, "Annual Electric Power Industry Report;" and predecessor forms. Imports and Exports: Mexico data - DOE, Fossil Fuels, Office of Fuels Programs, Form OE-781R, "Annual Report of International Electrical Export/Import Data:" Canada data - National Energy Board of Canada (metered energy firm and interruptible).