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National Concussion Surveillance System

Getting Answers about Concussion

CDC’s Effort to Build a National Concussion Surveillance System

“How can I protect myself and my family from a concussion or other serious brain injury?” It’s a question that’s on the minds of many Americans.

A newly proposed surveillance system will allow CDC to start getting answers to this question and more.

2017 President’s Budget

Included within the 2017 President’s Budget is a request for $5,000,000 to establish and oversee a National Concussion Surveillance System. CDC creates surveillance systems, like this, to track and monitor health information in order to better understand a health problem and learn how best to safeguard the health of Americans and their families. CDC proposes the use of a new national household telephone survey to capture health information on concussion in this country.

National Concussion Surveillance System

Should the funding be received, the National Concussion Surveillance System will allow CDC to accurately determine how many Americans (children and adults) get a concussion each year and how the injury happened. In addition, the results of a full-scale national system such as this would inform and equip leaders within communities, states, and across the country by:

  • Providing the first national estimates of numbers of sports-related concussion among youth that occur both in and outside of organized sports;
  • Monitoring trends to understand whether the number of concussions are increasing or decreasing, and assessing the effectiveness of prevention efforts;
  • Giving insight to health care providers and hospitals about where patients are seeking care for concussion and recovery needs; and
  • Creating, for the first time ever, true national estimates of the number of people living with a disability caused by a brain injury.

CDC is Committed to Finding Answers

CDC is reaching out to leading researchers and organizations to provide input related to the proposed surveillance system and will pilot test the household telephone survey next year. This will allow CDC to move forward quickly to make the National Concussion Surveillance System a reality if the funding is received.

CDC is committed to finding answers for Americans concerned about concussion and other serious brain injury. We are working to develop systems and programs that best address this important public health problem.


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A Head for the Future - A traumatic brain injury prevention initiative for the military community, Learn more.
