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Welcome to the documentation home page! We supply documentation for the latest and previous versions of every Atlassian application or tool. This page provides links to all our documentation or take a quick link to our most popular online documentation:  


If you're looking for troubleshooting information, please visit the Atlassian Knowledge Base or find answers on Atlassian Answers.  You can also get more information about purchasing and licensing Atlassian software.

Applications and Tools

 Atlassian OnDemand
 Confluence Team Calendars
 Confluence Questions (beta)
 JIRA Capture
 JIRA Service Desk
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  1. I was the first one to like this page! (smile) #proud

    1. Anonymous

      Thanks, I am a new starter in Confluence...

  2. It has information on all the tools ...I also like it...

  3. Anonymous

    I suggest having someone load this page and try to get to this site's Dashboard from this page WITHOUT manually entering the dashboard URL ( If someone succeeds then I would like to know how you did it as I can not navigate to the Dashboard from here. 

    FYI: Your captcha is broken.

  4. I want to know that which confluence version are compatible with jeera 4.3.4?


    1. Hi Anurag, You can find information on integrating JIRA and Confluence at this page Integrating JIRA and Confluence

      Hope this helps. Rachel

  5. Anonymous


    I have Conflunence running on a WIN2008 Server R2 Standard SP1 on VMware , still i had a bad/slow performance.Can you explain were i can find Conlfuence home directory, Confluence Index Directory  and what they mean with all database-related directories and were i can find these directories

    1. Hi anonymous, the Confluence documentation contains information on the Confluence Home Directory and Confluence Data Directory Configuration.  There is also useful information relating to Performance Tuning including information on troubleshooting slow performance.  I hope these docs point you in the right direction. If not, you might want to log a request with our Support team for assistance. 


  6. Anonymous

    I couldn't find it anywhere else, the sidebar in our trial of 5.1.4 does not show more than two tiers of pages. The "Tree Browser" on the "Pages" page of the Space is expandable, but the sidebar isn't.

    Tree Browser therefore can be expanded out to -

    • Space
      • Tier 1
      • Tier 1
        • Tier 2
        • Tier 2
          • Tier 3
      • Tier 1
        • Tier 2
          • Tier 3
          • Tier 3

    Whereas the side displays the same content as -

    • Space
      • Tier 1
      • Tier 1
      • Tier 1

     Have I missed a setting?


    1. Hi Anonymous,  the sidebar in the default theme is designed to show only the current page and its children.  If you want to see a full tree-like structure in your sidebar (as you see in the sidebar on this page), I suggest using the Documentation theme instead.  You can find information about how to turn on the Documentation theme here - Configuring the Documentation Theme


      1. Anonymous

      2. Anonymous

        My thanks as well for this information. This was driving me nuts.

  7. Hi,Confluence,I have used a trial version. I have a question for you,i want setup VMware on my confluence server. What should i do??


    1. Hi Thanh,

      Are you looking for information on how to run Confluence in a VM? If so, we provide some recommendations here: Running Confluence in a Virtualised Environment. If you need further assistance, you may want to consult an Atlassian Expert.

      Kind Regards,

      1. Sorry Andrew,i want ask that how to set up a VM in Confluence,same to a template. Could you help me??


        1. Sorry, I'm still not quite sure what you mean. Are you referring to the velocity templates (.vm) files that are used to render page content? You can modify these in a number of places in Confluence,

          There is also an overview on Velocity Templates here:

          1. Sorry Andrew,VM is Vitural Machine Ware,i just wanna setup a template VMware in my Confluence,are or not?

            Thanks Andrew

  8. Anonymous

    Sorry Andrew,VM is Vitural Machine Ware,i just wanna setup a template VMware in my Confluence,are or not?

    Thanks Andrew

  9. Hi Atlassian Support Team,

    We have a problem with news workflows, the transaction action are not show on project.We have installed the jira version 3.13 but that not was a problem up to now. The all proyect are working normally but the news proyect show the problems whit the transations buttons even though the conditions are true.

    . We noted that the pluggins to views the xml code is missing o change the directori location or url.

    "No se puede mostrar la página XML

    "No se puede ver la entrada XML con la hoja de estilo . Corrija el error y haga clic en el botón Actualizar o inténtelo de nuevo más tarde.


    Error no especificado Error al procesar el recurso"

    We had bing testing on environments PROD and DEV but both environments present the same bug.


    Could you help?


    1. Could you please contact our support team at with the problem description?

  10. Anonymous

    "Spaces" and "Spaces Directory" are localized in Spanish on the English version of Atlassian Documentation

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