Certification and Annual Review Processes for Enterprise Information Environment Mission Area, Warfighter Mission Area and Defense Intelligence Mission Area Systems

DON CIO Memo - Publish Date: 04/16/13

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This memo states that Enterprise Information Environment Mission Area, Warfighter Mission Area, and Defense Intelligence Mission Area systems will conduct certifications and/or annual reviews that will be reviewed and approved by the Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer and the DON Deputy CIO (DDCIO) (Navy) or DDCIO (Marine Corps), as appropriate.


Ref: (a) DON Information Management/Information Technology Investment Review Process Guidance v4.0 of 1 Oct 2009
(b) DON CIO Memorandum of 26 September 2012; Subj: Release of the Department of the Navy Enterprise Architecture (EA) Version 4.0.00

Enterprise Information Environment Mission Area (EIEMA), Warfighter Mission Area (WMA), and Defense Intelligence Mission Area (DIMA) systems will conduct certifications and/or annual reviews that will be reviewed and approved by the Department of the Navy (DON) Chief Information Officer (CIO) and the DON Deputy CIO (DDCIO) (Navy) or DDCIO (Marine Corps), as appropriate.

To ensure all systems in the EIEMA, WMA, and DIMA are certified and/or reviewed in a timely manner by the appropriate approval authority, the following requirements and timelines apply:

  • All EIEMA systems with funding for development/modernization in excess of $1M must obtain approval from the DON CIO prior to obligation, using the certification process outlined in reference (a).
  • All EIEMA systems with funding for development/modernization less than $1M must obtain approval from the appropriate DDCIO prior to obligation, using the certification process outlined in reference (a).
  • All EIEMA systems that have no development/modernization funding or were previously certified must be reviewed annually using the process outlined, per reference (a). All such EIEMA annual reviews are to be completed by the appropriate DDCIO not later than 15 June.
  • All WMA and DIMA systems must be reviewed annually. All WMA and DIMA annual reviews are to be completed by the appropriate DDCIO not later than 30 August. They will follow the guidance and process for the annual review of EIEMA systems, outlined in reference (a).
  • In accordance with reference (b), all EIEMA, WMA, and DIMA systems will, as part of the annual review and certification process, demonstrate compliance with the DON Enterprise Architecture (EA). The DON EA review includes all DON training systems, devices, and simulators that are connected or could potentially connect to the Global Information Grid (GIG). Training systems, devices, and simulators that do not and could not connect to the GIG are not required to complete the DON EA assessment; however, all software used by these items must be identified using the MAP tab in the Department of Defense (DoD) Information Technology Portfolio Repository- DON (DITPR-DON).

This guidance will remain in effect indefinitely. My points of contact for this matter are:

Signed by:
Terry A. Halvorsen
Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer

TAGS: Efficiencies, Investment Management

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