Other Events

September 2016

USPTO Cancer Moonshot Challenge

Challenge: USPTO Cancer Moonshot Challenge
Director's Blog: USPTO Launches Cancer Moonshot Challenge
Data: Cancer Moonshot Patent Data


Septemer 2015

PatentsView Disambiguation Workshop

Web Tool: PatentsView Beta
Workshop Information: Results
Event web site: PatentsView Inventor Disambiguation Workshop
Press Release: New USPTO Tool Allows Exploration of 40 Years of Patent Data

May 2015

What is the Academy’s Role in Evidence-based Policy Making for Intellectual Property?

Event web site: Hoover Institution’s Symposium

June 2013

National Day of Civic Hacking

Director's blog: Hack for Change
Event web site: National Day of Civic Hacking
USPTO challenge: The USPTO Innovation Challenge

January 2013

USPTO Real-Party-in-Interest Initiative

More Information »
Roundtable - Alexandria, Virginia, January 11, 2013

USPTO Study on Confirmatory Genetic Diagnostic Testing

More Information »
Hearing No. 1 - Alexandria, Virginia, February 16, 2012
Hearing No. 2 - San Diego, California, March 9, 2012
Co-organized with the University of San Diego School of Law
Roundtable - Alexandria, Virginia, January 10, 2013

May 2012

George Washington University Institute of Public Policy: Innovative Data Sources for Regional Economic Analysis

Event site: Innovative Data Sources for Regional Economic Analysis
Presentation (PowerPoint): Innovative Data Sources for Regional Economic Analysis

November 2011

USPTO Study on International Patent Protections for Small Businesses

More Information »
Hearing No. 1 - Alexandria, Virginia, October 27, 2011
Hearing No. 2 - Los Angeles, California, November 1, 2011
Co-organized with the University of Southern California Gould School of Law